
Marissa Bergen


Dry eye is an unpleasant condition. It can be caused by looking at a computer screen for long periods. It can also be related to allergies and certain medications.

There are several treatments for dry eyes including artificial tears, eye drops, surgery, warm compresses, and more. But research suggests that black currant seed oil may provide some relief. Read on to find out the science behind it.

Can Black Current Seed Oil Treat Dry Eyes?

There are not enough studies that establish whether black currant seed oil can treat dry eye symptoms. However, some research suggests it may relieve symptoms of the condition due to its content of omega-3 and omega-6. Here are some of the benefits it may provide.

Reduces Inflammation: A 2015 review shows that omega-6 may reduce inflammation and improve tear production in people with dry eye caused by contact lenses. When paired with Omega-3 and proper eyelid hygiene, it can improve meibomian gland dysfunction.

Improves Eye Irritation: A 2013 study found that omega-3 and omega-6 improve eye irritation in postmenopausal patients with dry eye.

How Does It Work?

Experts are unsure as to how black currant seed oil improves dry eye. Evidence suggests that omega fats may reduce inflammation which contributes to dry eye. The fat may turn into acids in the body that proceed to eicosanoid molecules which have anti-inflammatory properties.

Experts generally consider omega-3 eicosanoids to be anti-inflammatory and omega-6 eicosanoids to be inflammatory. However, if they are balanced, they may have the desired effect.

How to Use Black Currant Seed Oil

Black currant seed oil is available as a dietary supplement. Most experts will recommend taking 1 to 3 soft gels a day after food. However, there is no established dosage for dry eye relief.

Risks and Side Effects

Black currant seed oil may produce side effects such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Upset stomach
  • Changes in stool

The supplement may not be safe for someone with a seizure disorder or a history of seizures. Experts are unsure of whether it’s safe for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

It’s best to speak to a doctor before supplementing with black currant seed oil and follow their recommendations regarding brand and dosing. Choose a brand with a history of integrity as the FDA does not monitor herbal products.

Other Dry Eye Treatments

Other treatments that may reduce dry eye include:

  • Prescription eye drops
  • Surgery or plugs to block tear ducts
  • Warm compresses
  • Massaging the eyelid
  • Specific eyelid cleansers

A dry eye is difficult to deal with. Black currant seed oil may be beneficial to symptoms, but it is important to speak to a doctor to make sure you are using a reliable product. You must also be careful to use a product with the right balance of omega-3 and omega-6.

Here’s hoping you find the best treatment for your condition.

There are several things you can do to protect your cognitive health and reduce the risk of dementia. Eating right and keeping the brain active are helpful activities. But the latest studies show that magnesium may be your secret weapon.

Read on to find out what science is saying about magnesium and its potential in fighting dementia.

The Study

A study conducted by scientists at the Neuroimaging and Brain Lab at The Australian National University shows that consuming magnesium-rich foods could reduce the risk of dementia, the second-biggest cause of death in Australia and the seventh-biggest cause of death in the world.

The study involved over 6,000 UK citizens aged 40 to 73 in good cognitive health. It revealed that those who consume more than 500 milligrams of magnesium have a brain age one year younger than their actual age by the time they reach 55 as compared with someone who consumes 350 milligrams a day.

“Our study shows a 41% increase in magnesium intake could lead to less age-related brain shrinkage, which is associated with better cognitive function and lower risk of delayed onset of dementia later in life,” said Khawlah Alateeq, lead author and Ph.D. researcher from the ANU National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health.

“This research highlights the potential benefits of a diet high in magnesium and the role it plays in promoting good brain health.”

The Reality of Dementia

Experts predict that the number of people who are diagnosed with dementia worldwide will more than double from 57.4 million in 2019 to 152.8 in 2050. This would put a greater strain on the healthcare and social service industries globally.

“Since there is no cure for dementia and the development of pharmaceutical treatments has been unsuccessful for the past 30 years, it’s been suggested that greater attention should be directed towards prevention,” said co-study author Erin Walsh.

“Our research could inform the development of public health interventions aimed at promoting healthy brain aging through dietary strategies.”

Who Should Be Taking Magnesium When

Researchers say the sooner you start taking magnesium the better. Starting at a young age could protect against cognitive decline starting at age 40.

“The study shows higher dietary magnesium intake may contribute to neuroprotection earlier in the aging process and preventative effects may begin in our 40s or even earlier.

“This means people of all ages should be paying closer attention to their magnesium intake,” Alateeq went on to say.

She also explained how age and gender come into play.

“We also found the neuroprotective effects of more dietary magnesium appears to benefit women more than men and more so in post-menopausal than pre-menopausal women, although this may be due to the anti-inflammatory effect of magnesium.”

So what are you waiting for? Start adding more magnesium-rich food to your diet to enjoy the cognitive benefits it has to offer.

The Mediterranean Diet is known for being especially beneficial to health. It’s high in nutrients that improve wellness. It is low in calories which promotes weight loss.  

But now experts are recommending a modified Mediterranean diet called the “Green Mediterranean/high polyphenols diet” which is found to be twice as beneficial as the original. Researchers claim it is especially good for heart health as it unstiffens the aorta, a large artery that carries oxygenated blood throughout eh body.

The new diet is particularly rich in polyphenols which are found in a variety of plant-based foods. They exhibit antioxidant activity and offer protection against diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, and certain types of cancer.

What is the New Mediterranean Diet?

The new Mediterranean diet varies from the traditional Mediterranean diet because it features more polyphenols and lower quantities of red and processed meat. It includes a daily intake of 28 grams of walnuts, three or four cups of green tea, and one cup of Wolffia-globosa (mankai) green duckweed shake which is rich in iron, B12, polyphenols, and protein.

Researchers found that the green Mediterranean diet decreased aortic stiffness by 15% as compared to the Mediterranean diet’s 7.3%. The healthy dietary guideline-directed diet yields a 4.8% decrease.

The DIRECT PLUS study which compared the diets was the first to show the green diet’s effects on aortic stiffness. It was a large-scale study conducted over 18 months with over 300 participants. MRIs were used to measure aortic stiffness which is a distinct marker of vascular aging and heart disease.

How Important is a Healthy Diet?

A healthier lifestyle is often recommended for treating obesity and metabolic complications. Intense exercise has been shown to reduce Proximal Aortic Stiffness (PAS) but the effects of weight loss are unclear. The Mediterranean diet is the most trusted dietary intervention for heart disease prevention.

In addition to aiding heart health, the Green Mediterranean diet may also be beneficial to brain health and liver health according to findings of earlier studies.

Polyphenols are reducing agents that work with other reducing agents like vitamin C, vitamin E, and carotenoids to protect the body against oxidative stress which is associated with cancer, heart disease, and inflammation.

While they are generally good for health, animal studies have shown that polyphenols can cause thyroid imbalance, kidney damage, and tumors, and raise the risk of stroke and premature death if taken at very high doses.

The research was led by Prof. Iris Shai of Ben-Gurion University and Beersheba Israel who is also an adjunct professor at the University of Leipzig, Germany. She was accompanied by doctoral student Gal Tsaban, a cardiologist from Soroka-University Medical Center, and colleagues from Harvard and Leipzig Universities.

“The results of our study highlight once again that not all diets provide similar benefits and that the green-Mediterranean diet may promote vascular health,” Tsaban concluded.

Today’s health experts emphasize the importance of adding omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) to your diet. They provide several health benefits. They are good for heart health, and cognitive function, and they reduce the risk of several serious diseases.

Many people take fish oil supplements to ensure they are getting enough n-3 PUFA in their diets. But recent research shows that eating sardines may be a more cost-effective way to get the nutrients you need.

Sardine Health Benefits

Sardines provide the following benefits:

  • Good Source of Calcium: Sardines contain higher amounts of calcium as compared to other fish. 100 grams of sardines provide 38% of the recommended calcium dietary allowance.
  • Rich in n-3 PUFA: Sardines are rich in n-3 PUFA which is heart healthy nutrient.
  • High in Iron: Sardines have higher levels of iron than other commonly eaten types of fish. Their iron levels are comparable to meat. They are a good source of iron for people that don’t eat meat.
  • Other Nutrients: Sardines are rich in potassium, zinc, and magnesium which lower blood pressure. They contain zinc and niacin which improve lipids and lipoprotein profiles.

Sardines also stand out for their amino acid content. They are rich in the amino acids arginine and taurine which are vital to cardiovascular health. They boost vascular function and have antioxidant characteristics.

Arginine is beneficial to blood pressure and heart health. Taurine exhibits antioxidant activity that is good for the cardiovascular system. Sardines contain 147 mg of taurine per 100 grams making them comparable to beef, pork, and dark meat chicken.

Fish Oil Supplements vs. Sardines

Fish oil supplements are said to offer many health benefits, but they come with their share of drawbacks. Here are some to consider:

  • They don’t always reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and arrhythmia.
  • Although fish oil supplements are said to contain a purified form of n3-PUFa and be free of toxins, this isn’t always the case. Oxidation may occur at high temperatures which contaminate the products.

Concerns also arise in the preparation of oily fish which can negate the positive effects of both sardines and fish oil supplements. For example, when oily fish is cooked, it can produce cholesterol oxidation products which raise bad cholesterol levels.

Cooking fish may also produce higher omega-6 levels as compared to omega-3 levels. While omega-6 provides certain benefits, it must be balanced by higher levels of omega-3 to produce optimal results. Excessive omega-6 can also limit the bioavailability of some fish oil supplements.

Final Thoughts

Sardines are rich in heart-healthy nutrients that are beneficial to heart health. If prepared correctly, they may have more benefits than fish oil supplements which may have unknown components due to a lack of regulation. More research is needed to determine if eating sardines is more beneficial than taking supplements.

Here’s another reason to eat more fruits and vegetables. It lowers the risk of miscarriage. This information is according to a University of Birmingham study that also reveals that seafood, dairy, eggs, and grain can contribute to full-term pregnancy.

The Research

The Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research team analyzed 20 studies that explored women’s eating habits in the months before and shortly after conception to see which foods were linked to lower and higher chances of a miscarriage.

The results, which were published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, suggest that a diet that’s rich in vegetables, fruit, dairy, seafood, grain, and eggs reduces miscarriage risk.

It backs up evidence that foods that are high in vitamins and minerals are essential for a healthy pregnancy.

Which Foods are Best?

So which foods are best for reducing miscarriage risk? Here are some statistics to consider:

  • A high intake of fruit reduces miscarriage risk by up to 61%
  • A high intake of vegetables reduces miscarriage risk by up to 41%
  • A high intake of dairy reduces miscarriage risk by up to 37%
  • A high intake of grain reduces miscarriage risk by up to 33%
  • A high intake of seafood and eggs reduces miscarriage risk by up to 19%

Researchers also looked at diets like the Mediterranean Diet and the Fertility Diet and could not find evidence that any of them increased or reduced miscarriage risk.

However, a healthy diet rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods and low in unhealthy foods may reduce miscarriage risk.

A highly processed food diet can double miscarriage risks.

The studies reviewed looked at the period before and during the first three months of pregnancy. It collected data on 63,838 healthy women of reproductive age with information on their diets gathered from food frequency questionnaires.

What the Experts are Saying

Yealin Chung, leader of the study, had this to say. “We strongly encourage couples to consider the importance of making positive lifestyle choices when planning for a family, and to continue with these healthy choices throughout their pregnancy and beyond. By knowing that positive lifestyle choices can make a significant difference in reducing the risk of miscarriage, couples can feel empowered to take charge of their health and the health of their baby.”  

Tommy’s midwife Juliette Ward also weighed in saying, “Advice on diet is one of the most-discussed subjects for us when talking with pregnant women and birthing people. We know that baby loss is very rarely the result of someone’s lifestyle choice, but many people want to know how to be as healthy as possible in pregnancy.

“Following a healthy diet, taking supplements like vitamin D and folic acid, exercise, and trying to lower stress are all things people can try to do, but there’s been a lack of clear evidence on the links between diet choices and miscarriage.”

The Tommy’s team acknowledges that more studies are needed in concluding whether diet and certain foods play a causal role in miscarriage. Research could also estimate how effective changes in diet can be in preventing miscarriage during conception and pregnancy. In the meantime, it never hurts to eat healthily.

Constipation is not a pleasant condition to deal with. Fortunately, in most cases, it can be relieved with simple changes in diet and exercise. Recent research is showing that the trendy drink kombucha may be beneficial to the condition.

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a sweetened, fermented black tea drink. It is made with tea, sugar, bacteria, and yeast.

To make the drink, the bacteria and yeast are grown together to form a culture. The culture is added to the sugar and tea. Then fermentation takes place.

The process yields a beverage that is high in vitamin B and amino acids.

Kombucha and Constipation

Like most fermented products, kombucha is rich in probiotics that offer digestive benefits. The probiotics in kombucha are said to relieve digestion. But this has not been backed by clinical studies.

Many studies establish that probiotics may be beneficial to constipation. A 2019 study found that they may relieve irritable bowel syndrome symptoms including constipation. A 2017 study showed that they prevented constipation in 10-40% of senior study participants. A 2020 study found probiotics can help with stool frequency and consistency.

However, none of these studies specifically looked at the probiotics in kombucha.

Kombucha can also be beneficial to people with constipation because it helps with hydration. Sufficient hydration helps stool pass through the digestive tract. It makes the stool softer and easier to pass.

Kombucha can help keep a person hydrated especially if it increases the amount of hydration a person gets daily.

According to experts, adult males need around 125 ounces of fluid a day while females need 91 ounces to offer optimal hydration. However, these numbers vary depending on a person’s age and weight. Talk to a doctor to find out how much liquid you should be drinking daily.

Downsides of Kombucha

Although kombucha is beneficial because it aids with hydration, it should not be the only liquid source a person consumes. It comes with its share of downsides including:

  • Digestive Issues: Kombucha has been known to cause digestive issues in some individuals.
  • Added Sugars: Kombucha contains added sugars which may be detrimental to health.
  • Bacterial Exposure: The beverage is homemade and unpasteurized which means it contains bacteria and yeasts which may pose a risk of exposure to infections. It can also lead to cross-contamination.
  • Acidity: The drink becomes acidic when it undergoes the fermentation process. Its acidity may lead to tooth decay.
  • Liver Toxicity: Some studies show that kombucha may have negative effects on liver health. However, this is based on just a few case reports. Studies have not been conclusive.
  • High in Caffeine: Kombucha contains caffeine and may not be the ideal beverage for people with caffeine sensitivities.

Kombucha is a trendy drink that many people consume for the health benefits it provides. Some say it may help with constipation, but more studies are needed to establish whether this is the case. Will you be trying it to see how it can aid your digestion?

T cells play a critical role in the immune response. They can kill disease-carrying cells, or they can support B cells in antibody production.

A new study conducted by researchers at the Francis Crick Institute reveals that the artificial sweetener sucralose decreases T cell activity. It will not harm immunity if consumed in moderate amounts. On the bright side, it may work as a treatment for people with immune disorders where T-cells are overly active.

The Study

The Francis Crick Institute study was published in the journal Nature and funded by Cancer Research UK.

Researchers fed mice sucralose at levels equivalent to the acceptable daily intake as recommended by American and European food safety authorities. These levels are somewhat higher than what people normally consume when following a diet that features some artificially sweetened products.

The mice who consumed the sucralose showed reduced T cell activity in response to cancer and infection. Other types of immune cells were unaffected.

Researchers found that a high dose of sucralose decreased T-cell function via its effects on intracellular calcium release.

What Does the Study Mean?

People with healthy immune systems will not be affected by the findings of the study. Most will not be exposed to the levels of sucralose needed to produce the T- cell activity-reducing effects.

However, the results bring good news for people with auto-immune conditions. Researchers are hoping their study opens doors for sucralose-related treatments that reduce T-cell activity.

What the Experts are Saying

Experts involved in the study have weighed in.

Senior study author and Crick principal group leader Karen Vousden says, “We’re hoping to piece together a bigger picture of the effects of the diet on health and disease so that one day we can advise on diets that are best suited to individual patients or find elements of our diet that doctors can exploit for treatment”.

Co-first author and Crick’s postdoctoral training fellow Fabio Zani said, “We do not want people to take away the message that sucralose is harmful if consumed in the course of a normal balanced diet, as the doses we used in mice would be very hard to achieve without medical intervention.

“The impact on the immune system we observed seems reversible and we believe it may be worth studying if sucralose could be used to ameliorate conditions such as autoimmunity, especially in combination therapies”.

Juliana Blagih, co-first author and former doctoral training fellow at Crick (now Assistant Professor at the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Research Centre, University of Montreal) says, “We’ve shown that a commonly used sweetener, sucralose, is not a completely inert molecule and we have uncovered an unexpected effect on the immune system. We are keen to explore whether there are other cell types or processes that are similarly affected by this sweetener”.

Karis Betts, senior health information manager at Cancer Research says, “This study begins to explore how high doses of sucralose could potentially be used in new treatment options for patients, but it’s still early days.

“The results of this study don’t show how harmful effects of sucralose are for humans, so you don’t need to think about changing your diet to avoid it.”

The team plans to do more studies to determine if sucralose will have similar effects in humans.

When a person suffers a brain injury, food is often the last thing on the medical staff’s mind. Patients with TBIs will often go days without eating, or they may receive nutrition through an IV, while the staff determines the best course of treatment. But a new study shows that getting enough calories can boost the healing process after a brain injury.

The results of the study will be presented at the American Physiology Summit, the annual meeting of the American Physiological Society (APS) In Long Beach, CA.

What the New Research Reveals

In the past, when people were brought in for a brain injury, they would not get fed or they would be fed intravenously through a tube or line. The tools clinicians use to determine a patient’s nutritional needs have not been set up for brain injuries. Injured parties typically get fewer calories than they require.

The research team developed a new biomarker to assess nutritional status. It offers a way for providers to measure the amount of glucose the body is producing internally to meet energy needs. It measures fractional gluconeogenesis on a scale from zero (fully fed) to 100 (drastically underfed).

The tool allows medical staff to determine the number of calories needed for patients to meet their energy needs. This is a complex process that was difficult to achieve until now.

The Study

Researchers conducted an animal study to determine how nutritional status affects fractional gluconeogenesis and protein synthesis. A rat model of TBI was injected with deuterium oxide (heavy water) to trace and assess fractional gluconeogenesis and protein synthesis in different parts of the brain and body. They assessed the rat’s reaction to different caloric intakes to determine how nutrition affects the healing process.

“Our study found that after TBI, the brain responds abnormally by increasing protein synthesis in the higher brain region while decreasing it in the lower regions,” said Casey C. Curl, Doctoral Candidate, Exercise Physiology Laboratory, University of Berkley California.

Previous studies have found that being underfed results in reduced protein synthesis in the skeletal muscles and liver cells. The new study suggests that a similar process happens in the brain.

“Understanding the decrease in protein turnover during the brain healing process is crucial because a caloric deficit may affect the patient’s ability to heal from their injury,” said Curl.

The research suggests that adequate nutrition can help the brain manufacture the proteins it needs to heal after a TBI without having to prioritize certain regions of the brain over others.

Curl noted that feeding patients sooner can help with healing. She also recommended fractional gluconeogenesis as a worthy metric for assessing whether patients are getting proper nutrition during healing and recovery.

“This evidence highlights the importance of ensuring proper nutrition for TBI patients during recovery.  Specifically, formulations containing fuels that are preferred by the brain, such as lactate, should be prioritized during the acute and chronic phases of recovery from TBI,” Curl notes.

If you are prone to urinary tract infections, friends and relatives may advise you to drink cranberry juice. But can cranberry juice be beneficial to UTIs? Or is this just an old wives’ tale?

A new study confirms cranberry juice’s effects.

The Study

The study, which was led by Gabrielle Williams at the Centre of Kidney Research in Westmead, Australia, reviewed 50 randomized controlled trials and revealed the following:

  • Drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry supplements reduce the risk of having repeat UTI symptoms by more than 25%.
  • Cranberry products reduce UTIs in children by more than 50%.
  • People that were susceptible to a repeat UTI due to antibiotic and probiotic treatments saw a 53% infection decrease.

The review looked at research collected from nearly 9000 people across the world.

“For the first time, we have consensus that cranberry products (concentrated liquid, capsules, or tablets) work for some groups of people, specifically people who experience recurrent UTI, children, and people susceptible to UTI because of medical intervention,” said study author Jacqueline Stevens, senior lecturer in public health in the College of Medicine & Public Health at Finders University in Australia.

“The inclusion of the totality of global evidence and the rigorous review process means we are confident of the results, even when the results have changed compared to previous versions of this review,” she went on to say.

Cranberries are rich in proanthocyanins, chemical compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder.

The study did not specify the recommended dosage of cranberries to take to prevent UTIs.

Are Cranberries Good for Everyone?

While cranberry was found to be effective in relieving UTIs among many groups, it has not been helpful for institutionalized men and women, pregnant women, and people with incomplete bladder emptying and neuromuscular bladder dysfunction. And it may not work for everyone.

Dr. Johanna Figueroa, a urologist at Northwell Health in Syosset, NY says you can use cranberries if “you feel like it’s preventing and working. If it doesn’t work, it’s time for providers to move on to another line of therapy.”

She recommends hydration as water can flush the bacteria out of your symptoms.

Cranberries can also cause an upset stomach.

The subject is near and dear to Williams whose mother suffers from “horrible and frequent” UTIs.

“She’s continued to take it daily, first as the nasty sour juice, and in recent years, the easy-to-swallow capsule. As soon as she stops, wham, the symptoms are back,” Williams explained.

About UTIs

About 60% of women 18 years or over will experience at least one UTI in their lifetime. 30% will have recurring episodes averaging 2-3 a year. They are most common in women due to their anatomy.

The infection occurs when bacteria, typically from the skin or rectum, enter the urethra. It causes pain and frequent urination among other symptoms.

Infections can also move to the kidneys causing additional complications. In some instances, it may lead to sepsis.

Chocolate is an obsession for many people. It’s not only its taste but its silky-smooth texture that makes it so delicious. Researchers looked at its characteristics to determine how these properties can yield a healthy, and great-tasting treat.

What It’s All About

When you eat chocolate, it transforms from a solid into a smooth emulsion. Researchers suggest that the fat in the chocolate is what makes the texture so appealing. Scientists at the University of Leeds hope their findings will help them develop a luxury chocolate that has the same texture but is healthier to eat.

When the chocolate reaches the tongue, a fatty film is released that coats the entire mouth. It produces a smooth sensation as it is digested. The study reveals that the sensation comes from the way the chocolate is lubricated and how it interacts with saliva.

The fat and solid cocoa particles on the surface play an important role in the chocolate experience. Therefore, researchers feel that reducing the fat inside the chocolate could produce a healthier candy that’s just as enjoyable to eat.

Anewesha Sarkar, professor of colloids and surfaces in the School of Food Science and Nutrition at Leeds said, “Lubrication science gives mechanistic insights into how food feels in the mouth.

“You can use that knowledge to design food with a better taste, texture, or health benefits.

“If chocolate has 5% fat or 50% fat it will still form droplets in the mouth and that gives you the chocolate sensation.

“However, it is the location of the fat in the make-up of the chocolate which matters in each stage of lubrication, and that has been rarely researched.

“We’re showing that the fat layers need to be on the outer layer of the chocolate. This matters the most, followed by an effective coating of the cocoa particles by fat, this help to make the chocolate feel so good.”

The Study

The study, which was published in the ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Journal, focused on the feel and texture of chocolate rather than how it tastes.

It involved testing a luxury brand of chocolate on an artificial tongue-like surface designed by the team at the University of Leeds.

Dr. Siavash Soltanahmadi from the School of Food Science and Nutrition at Leeds and the study’s lead researcher said, “With the understanding of the physical mechanisms that happen as people eat chocolate, we believe that a next generation of chocolate can be developed that offers the feel and sensation of high-fat chocolate yet is a healthier choice.”

“Our research opens the possibility that manufacturers can intelligently design dark chocolate to reduce the overall fat content.

“We believe dark chocolate can be produced in a gradient-layered architecture with fat covering the surface of chocolates and particles to offer the sought-after self-indulging experience without adding too much fat inside the body of the chocolate.”

Researchers believe similar fat-reducing techniques can be applied to other foods that undergo a phase change including margarine, cheese, and ice cream.