
Marissa Bergen


People interested in consuming a healthy diet may realize that it’s not only what you eat that affects your health- it’s also what you drink. Recent research has emerged rating the worst drinks for your health based on sugar and fat content. Here are the beverages you may consider eliminating from your diet.

Regular Soda

Soda should be avoided due to its high sugar content.  A 12-ounce can of soda contains 155 calories 147 of which are sugar calories. The beverage has been linked to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, gout, and bad dental health.

Cranberry Juice Cocktail

You may have heard of the many benefits of cranberry juice, particularly its ability to treat UTIs. But make sure the drink you are reaching for says 100% juice. Otherwise, you may be drinking a fruit drink that’s high in sugar that may even irritate the bladder.

Fruit Juice

You may be shocked to see fruit juice make this list. After all, it is made with fruit which is packed with vitamins and minerals.

Well, unfortunately, fruit is also high in sugar. When you eat fruit, digestion slows down the impact the sugar has on your system. But when you drink fruit juice, it hits your system immediately producing unhealthy effects.

Fruit juice also does not contain the fiber fruit does so it’s less satiating.

If you choose to drink fruit juice, choose a product made with fruits and vegetables. Consume it alongside fat and protein that keep blood sugar stable.


There is some evidence that alcohol can be good for mental health when drunk in moderation. And wine is packed with antioxidants. But drinking excessively can cause extensive damage to the body’s major organs. It also increases the risk of serious health conditions.

Flavored Dairy Beverages

Milk is a healthy drink that’s rich in protein, calcium, and vitamin D. But adding flavors means adding calories and sugar. A flavored dairy drink increases the risk of obesity which is linked to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Vitamin Water

Vitamins and water- what could go wrong? Well, the truth is, many vitamin water beverages contain added sugar which is harmful to health and increases calories. Look on the label of your drink to ensure the vitamin water you’re drinking is healthy.

Diet Soda

We already discussed the evils of regular soda. It’s high sugar and calorie content makes it harmful to health. But diet soda isn’t much better. Recent studies show that artificially sweetened beverages increase the risk of heart disease.

Sweetened Coffee Drinks

Many people flock to their local coffee shops for their lattes, cappuccinos, and Frappuccino. But many of these beverages are packed with sugar and unhealthy fats. You will be making your drink unhealthier by asking for whipped cream, caramel pumps, chocolate drizzles, and so on. Some coffeehouse drinks have as many calories as a meal, not to mention the fat and sugar content.

Now that you are aware of the unhealthy drinks that are out there, which will you be eliminating from your diet?  

Have you been feeling anxious and depressed? Have you been eating a lot of French fries? The food you’re eating could be the source of your problem.

A new study shows that fried food, and French fries in particular, could be responsible for mental health issues.

The Fried Food – Mental Health Connection

A study conducted at the St. Louis School of Medicine at Washington University revealed that fried foods could be a source of anxiety and depression due to the presence of a contaminant called acrylamide.

Acrylamide is known to cause neuroinflammation and disrupt lipid metabolism which has a negative impact on mental health. The chemical is especially likely to appear when potatoes are cooked at high temperatures.

Another study, conducted by researchers in Hangzhou China found similar results. The PNAS research team followed 104,728 participants on a fried food diet, especially rich in deep-fried potatoes, over a 10-year period. The subjects reported a 12% higher risk of anxiety and a 7% higher risk of depression.

The Reasoning Behind it

The relationship between food and mental health has long been documented. But Rohini Bajekal, a nutritionist and board-certified lifestyle medicine professional at Plant-Based Health Professionals states the connection is more complex than you might think.

“The results of this study are in line with what we would expect to see and are further confirmation of decades of research showing that fried and unhealthy foods in the standard Western diet increase the risk of common chronic diseases and mental health conditions,” Rohini says.

Fried foods cause inflammation in the body which leads to feelings of anxiety and depression. They also lack fiber, healthy fats, and phytonutrients which contribute to a positive mood.

Previous Studies

Megan Hilbert, a registered dietician at Top Nutrition Coaching referred to a SMILES Trial 2017 study that found improvements in participant’s mental health after following a non-inflammatory diet for 12 weeks.

“A lack of these compounds can cause a breakdown in how the gut and the brain communicate with each other,” Hilbert stated. “Upwards of 90 to 95% of our serotonin is made in the gut, and so it’s hypothesized that imbalances in our gut microbiota influence the production of these neurotransmitters, which in turn, impacts our mood negatively.”

The Solution

If the thought of not eating the foods you loved is making you, well, depressed, you might try different methods of cooking. Bajeckal suggests poaching, stewing, steaming, boiling, and air frying.

If you must fry, you may yield healthier dishes by using different oils. Avoid high-fat oils like coconut and palm oil. Opt for extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or rapeseed oil instead. What dietary changes will you be making to improve your mood?

Toddlers often suffer from digestive issues. OTC medications may bring some relief. But experts are suggesting modifications to the child’s diet and lifestyle can be more helpful- and they won’t produce any unwanted side effects.

Read on to find out what may be causing your little one’s tummy aches and how to get rid of them.

What Is Indigestion?

Indigestion or dyspepsia refers to pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen that occurs occasionally or often. Doctors often associate it with eating and drinking. Recommended treatments include OTC medications and changes in diet.

What Dietary Changes Can Cause Indigestion

Many foods and drinks can cause indigestion. Common ones include:

  • Foods high in fat
  • Chocolate
  • Caffeine
  • Citrus products
  • Tomatoes
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Onions
  • Peppermint

A healthy diet may be beneficial in treating indigestion. It may also prevent gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and heartburn. If you notice your child experiences the onset of indigestion symptoms after they consume certain foods, try eliminating them from their diet to see if they produce results.

Lifestyle Changes May Help with Indigestion

Certain lifestyle changes may also help your child’s digestive health. You may reduce symptoms by:

  • Not letting your child lie down within 3 hours of eating a meal
  • Making sure your child’s head is elevated when they sleep
  • Feeding your child smaller meals instead of a few large meals


If your child is experiencing indigestion that isn’t going away with food and lifestyle changes, your doctor may recommend medications. Common indigestion medications include:

  • Proton Pump Inhibitors: PPIs reduce stomach acid but may produce side effects like upset stomach, diarrhea, and headache.
  • H2 Blockers: H2 blockers also reduce stomach acid. But they are not as effective as PPIs in terms of healing the esophagus. They can also cause side effects like headaches, upset stomach, or an increased risk of infections.
  • Antacids: Antacids can relieve symptoms of mild GERD but can cause diarrhea and constipation. Children should not use them long-term.

Behavioral Treatments

Your child may be suffering from indigestion due to behavioral or psychological issues. If this is the case, do your best to promote a stress-free environment. Encourage them to participate in stress-relieving exercises.


If your child has GERD, they may not respond to conservative treatments. Surgery may be necessary.

GERD can usually be treated by minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. However, it can lead to some complications.

Alternative Remedies

Many alternative remedies have been shown to minimize indigestion. These include:

  • Mint leaves
  • Chamomile
  • Peppermint oil
  • Ginger
  • Cumin
  • Aloe vera juice
  • Fennel seed
  • Apple cider vinegar

It can be heartbreaking to see a child deal with digestive issues. Fortunately, relief may be as simple as a few lifestyle and dietary changes. Here’s hoping you find the remedies that keep your child pain-free.

Most dieticians recommend that you stay away from alcohol. But if you are going to indulge, do it in the healthiest way possible.

Recent research shows that some drinks are better than others based on calories and sugar content. Some may even have healthy ingredients. This article will reveal which drinks you should be drinking if you gotta drink.

Red Wine

Red wine is one of the healthier alcoholic drinks thanks to its low-calorie content and its antioxidant content. Studies show that drinking a moderate amount of wine can reduce the risk of heart disease by 12-15%. Wine also contains polyphenols that keep blood vessels flexible and reduce the risk of cancer.

Tequila on the Rocks

Alcohol is classified as a depressant, but some evidence reveals that tequila may have the opposite effect. Some people report an improvement in mood after drinking the drink. Small studies indicate that it may not shift blood sugar levels like other alcohols do.

Vodka Soda

Vodka soda is a healthy option due to the hydrating effects of soda water. Add a splash of citrus and you get the benefits of vitamin C. Vodka has been shown to improve blood circulation and develop collateral vessels that connect the heart to the lungs making the drink a triple threat- but in a good way!

Bloody Mary

Bloody Marys are a good cocktail choice because they are packed with vegetables. However, they are also high in calories- so keep consumption to a minimum. The garnishes used on the drink may also be packed with sodium which can be detrimental to health.

Wine Spritzers

Wine spritzers are a popular summer cocktail. They mix antioxidant-rich wine with hydrating sparkling water. The water content also cuts back on the alcohol and calorie content of the drink.

Dry Champagne

Like wine, champagne also contains antioxidants that lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. If you choose to drink champagne, opt for dry champagne which is lower in sugar than other champagne varieties.

Mulled Wine

Mulled wine is a favorite during the holiday season. It features red wine which is rich in antioxidants, and spices that have therapeutic benefits. Choose an organic wine that has less sugar, additives, and preservatives than other wine varieties. In addition to being healthier, it will also cut back on headaches.

Hard Kombucha

Kombucha is becoming a more popular drink due to its fermented properties. It has a high probiotic content which is beneficial to digestion and immunity. Most kombucha has low levels of alcohol. Hard kombucha is fortified with more alcohol, but it still offers health benefits.

Low-Calorie Beer

Beer isn’t all bad. It’s full of protein and B vitamins. It also contains antioxidants and various minerals. Choose a low-calorie variety to reduce your risk of obesity.

Now that you know the healthiest alcoholic drinks, which will you be consuming the next time you celebrate?

When shopping at the grocery store, you will see tons of drinks marketed for kids. They are easy to consume, easy to throw into a lunchbox, and they are likely to have your child’s favorite characters on them. But they are also probably high in sugar and low in nutrition.

This is the latest news out of a study published last Wednesday in PLOS One Journal.

The Study

The study looked at 6000 packaged foods and analyzed their marketing strategies and their nutritional content. Lead study author. Dr. Christine Mulligan, post-doctoral researcher and research consultant in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto weighed in on the results.

“There are many products in our grocery stores that are powerfully marketed and heavily targeted to children. Unfortunately, we also found that these products are, more often than not, very unhealthy and of worse nutritional quality than products that aren’t being promoted to children.”

Dr. Maya Adam, director of health media innovation and clinical associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the Stanford School of Medicine was not involved in the study. She brought up the fact that companies like to appeal to children who often grow up to be “brand-loyal” adults.

“As adults, around the world, we take extra precautions when it comes to our children. We buckle them into car seats and make sure they wear helmets. When it comes to packaged foods, the food industry is doing the opposite; promoting less healthy foods to the most vulnerable members of society.”

She also pointed out that the study only looked at how products appealed to children in terms of their packaging. She noted that children are being exposed to these products in multiple ways. Through social, media, sports practice, community centers, and even at schools.

“This is important for readers to understand, because seeing all of this marketing is impacting how children eat, and the poor dietary habits that kids are developing will carry forward throughout their lives and impact their health in the long term,” she said.

How to Overcome the Branding and Increase the Nutrition

Mulligan suggests that governments take steps to regulate branding so people are more aware of how children’s products can negatively affect health. The Heart and Stroke Foundation is calling for the inclusion of all types of marketing to raise awareness on various levels.

In the meantime, people can do their part by cooking more at home to control the amount of fat, sugar, and salt in their children’s food. Adam also recommends that adults discuss branding and nutrition with their children so they can see how companies use marketing to influence their choices. Get your children involved in grocery shopping so they can make their own healthy choices.

How will you be protecting your child from marketing that may cause them to make the wrong nutritional choices?  

Once upon a time Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig were the top names in weight loss. But today, weight loss drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic are taking over. They are putting many weight loss companies out of business.

What are the New Weight Loss Drugs?

Drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic use the active drug semaglutide which works by triggering the body’s glucagon-like peptide-1 hormones to tell your body to stop eating. It reduces your appetite, so you consume fewer calories.

Another drug called Mounjaro is similar to Wegovy and Ozempic but has an active ingredient called tirezapatide. Like the other drugs, Tirezepatide works on the GLP-1 receptors, but it also affects the glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide. The double impact makes it even more effective.

How the New Drugs are Affecting the Weight Loss Kings

The new drugs are so effective they are putting many weight loss companies out of business. Jenny Craig, which has been around since the 80s, announced it would be closing its doors last week. Weight Watchers stocks plunged by about 29% after the FDA approved Wegovy for obesity.

Weight Watchers is taking life-saving measures by incorporating weight loss drugs into its diet programs. The day they decided to embrace Wegovy, their stocks climbed up 70%.

“Unless they change to somehow incorporate medications, yes, I think in the next few years we will see a lot of change in the diet industry including many businesses closing,” said Dr. Shauna Levy, an obesity medicine specialist at Tulane University at New Orleans commenting on diet companies’ plights.

Are Weight Loss Drugs Safe?

Although weight loss drugs are an ‘easy way out’ for people dealing with obesity, they come with their share of drawbacks. Wegovy injections cost a little more than $1300 per package which breaks down to $270 a week or $16,190 a year.

It also remains unclear whether you must stay on these drugs for life. Research suggests that people may regain their weight after they stop using the drugs if the source of the weight gain is not addressed. They also say the drug causes muscle loss making weight gain more of an issue.

You may also risk getting attacked by people who are judgmental of those that lose weight without putting in the work. But that could be the least of your worries.

Wegovy and Ozempic should not be used with any other weight loss products, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, or drugs that contain semaglutide. They may not be safe for people with a history of pancreas conditions.

The drugs can be prescribed to people with a BMI of 30 or higher who are considered obese. They may also be prescribed to adults with a BMI of 27 or higher with a weight-related condition such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. They can be prescribed to children 12 and over with a BMI in the 95th percentile or higher.

So what’s your take on it? Will you be trying weight loss drugs? Or are the old-fashioned diet companies more your speed?

Diet and exercise are typically the go-tos when it comes to losing weight naturally. But there are other ways to lose weight that are not so obvious. This article will discuss these methods so you can find out how to shed pounds without a lot of effort.

Laugh More

Did you know laughing burns calories? Laughing causes the muscles in the body to contract and expand which increases heart rate and oxygen consumption promoting calorie burn. Studies show laughing for 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn up to 40 calories.

Laughing also lowers cortisol levels in your body which contributes to weight gain.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a well-known stress-relieving technique. It can also burn calories.

Experts state that taking 4-5 deep slow breaths before eating will make the body more likely to burn calories than store them. It helps settle the nervous system keeping the body from going into fight or flight mode that causes it to store calories so it can use them when stressful situations arise. It calms the body keeping it in a calorie-burning mode.

Cold Showers

Cold showers may not be pleasant, but they are effective in aiding weight loss.

The body has two types of fat cells: white fat and brown fat. Brown fat is beneficial because it aids with calorie burn. Cold showers activate brown fat cells that generate heat and maintain the body’s core temperature.

Cold showers also promote thermogenesis, so your body burns more calories throughout the day.

Get More Sleep

Getting more sleep to lose weight may seem counterintuitive, but it’s an effective method.

Sleep improves hormone function. It regulates the stress hormone cortisol, so you don’t eat as much. It also allows your body to go into repair and recovery mode giving you the mental clarity to make wise eating decisions.

Too little sleep also doesn’t allow your body to respond properly to insulin. When your body has trouble processing insulin, it has difficulty processing fats from the bloodstream. It ends up storing them as fat.

Walk After Meals

We all know walking can be conducive to weight loss. But it’s especially helpful if you walk directly after a meal.

When you walk after a meal, you send energy from the food directly into your cells so it can be utilized right away. It doesn’t allow calories to build up and lead to weight gain.

Experts say you don’t have to walk a lot after a meal to experience weight loss effects. Even ten minutes of walking after a meal reduces glucose spikes so the body responds better to digestion and shifts into fat-burning mode.

Pace Around Your Home

Pacing around the house helps you get extra steps in. It keeps body heat high and prevents stiffening in the lower extremities. It also keeps muscle limber if you are planning a workout later in the day.

These hacks make losing weight easier than you might think. Which will you be incorporating into your everyday routines?

There are many diets out there. But not all of them are successful. Some promise results they can’t follow through on. Others just don’t work for everyone.

Now there’s a new diet called Relish. It stands out from the others because it takes a mental health approach. But does it work? Read on to find out.

What is Relish?

Relish combines aspects of standard diet plans with a mental health approach. Treatment includes:

  • Virtual doctor’s visits
  • Video calls with a personal health coach
  • Registered dietician feedback on food and mood journals
  • Weekly online support groups
  • Integrating with your primary and mental health providers
  • Access to a library of mind-body health programs, meal plans, and coaching tools

Providers may also prescribe popular diet drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy.

How it Works

Relish starts with an initial assessment. You fill out a questionnaire and enter a credit card number. The first 30 days are free.

After the first month, you will need to sign up for a $199/month basic membership or a $399/month premium membership. Relish is also covered by some insurance providers.

Once membership begins, you will get an email to schedule a 30–45-minute virtual appointment with a nurse practitioner or physician. The provider will assess your medical and health history, your current conditions, and your relationship with food.

The Mental Health Angle

Relish considers the fact that most weight management issues stem from mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Things get worse when people berate themselves for not being able to reach their weight loss goals. The diet plan aims to address underlying issues to stop unhealthy patterns at their root.

“Yes! Weight is the symptom, it’s not the (main) issue,” explains Shannon Shearn, co-founder of Relish. She explained how she found herself in a “really scary place” when she was unable to shed the pounds she gained after giving birth to her second child.

“What was going to kill me was not the calories in and out; it was my mental health and the way I spoke to myself, just constantly berating myself. I felt so lost and had intense depression and thought it was because I couldn’t lose weight,” she went on to say.

She claimed that once she got treatment for her mental health issues, the weight “just melted off”.

Does Relish Work?

If you look at the Relish website, you will see results of a 400-person study claiming most participants saw an 11.1% weight loss within 6 months. 50% of people who completed the program kept off 2/3 of their weight after 18 months. There was a 71% decrease in type 2 diabetes and a 62% decrease in hypertension.

People that have used the diet have seen some weight loss. They also claim to have better mental health. They ask themselves, why, before diving into a vat of ice cream.

Will you be trying Relish to reach your weight loss goals?

Dieters often look for healthy snacks to replace bad habits. There are several options to choose from.

This article will review snacks that are not only good for you. They also are tasty, and anti-inflammatory. Their anti-inflammatory characteristics mean they are less likely to cause obesity-related symptoms like digestive issues, high blood pressure, and joint stiffness.

They are also full of vitamins and minerals and low in calories.

So, what snacks should you be eating to increase weight loss and reduce inflammation? Here are a few that are worth checking out.

Cinnamon-Sugar Roasted Chickpeas

Chickpeas are a big part of the Mediterranean Diet which is known for reducing inflammation. They also improve digestion, boost bone health, increase mental health, and lower cancer risk.

This recipe calls for roasting chickpeas until they make a crunchy snack. Coat them with cinnamon sugar to add to their tasty flavor.

Almond Stuffed Dates

Medjool dates are another popular Mediterranean Diet item. They are anti-inflammatory and a good source of potassium, folate, and niacin. This recipe also includes heart-healthy almonds that are rich in fiber, magnesium, and vitamin E.

Because the dates are soft, they are easy to stuff with almonds. They make a terrific healthy appetizer.

Rosemary-Garlic Pecans

Pecans are an extremely nutritious nut because they are a good source of healthy fats, fiber, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Spice them with rosemary and garlic to make them even more delicious. They are the perfect item to add to a cheese board.

Avocado Hummus

Avocado hummus is made with chickpeas that are good for digestion, bone health, and mental health. The avocado adds healthy fat content that makes the recipe irresistible. It’s the perfect thing to serve alongside pita chips.

Sriracha Buffalo Cauliflower Bites

The ideal alternative to Buffalo wings, these cauliflower bites are fun and delicious. Cauliflower is high in nutrients, heart-healthy, and it has anti-inflammatory characteristics. Cover it in spicy sriracha to add a kick and serve it alongside your favorite yogurt-based dip.

Apple with Cinnamon Almond Butter

Few things are better for you than fresh apples. They are rich in fiber and antioxidants. They are known to reduce the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Make your apple snack even more delicious by covering the slices in rich cinnamon almond butter. Almonds are a great source of healthy fats. Research suggests that cinnamon may support blood sugar control, protect against heart disease, and reduce inflammation.

Fresh Fruit Salad

Fresh fruit salad is a healthy meal or side that works well at summer cookouts and other events. For ultimate anti-inflammatory properties, add plenty of strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, and blueberries. A dollop of yogurt will make the recipe more substantial.

Now that you know the best recipes for weight loss and lowering inflammation, which will you be trying out in your kitchen?

If you look at weight loss media, you will see influencers dipping themselves into cold water claiming it promotes all sorts of benefits, one of which is weight loss. But can this technique really help you shed the pounds? Read on to find out.

What is Cold Plunging?

Cold plunging involves immersing yourself in cold water. It is usually done in water between 50- and 59 degrees Fahrenheit for no more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time. However, some will dunk in water that’s a lot colder than that. Normally, everything is submerged except the head.

How Does Cold Plunging Work for Weight Loss?

Some experts believe that plunging in cold water increases metabolism. It causes the body to make up for the drop in temperature which burns calories. It activates brown fat which is responsible for decreasing white fat, or unhealthy fat, in the body.

Brown fat may also promote feelings of satiety, so you eat less.

Studies Concerning Cold Plunging and Weight Loss

Some studies have been conducted concerning cold plunging and weight loss. Research has revealed that regular cold exposure with baths as cool as 39 degrees Fahrenheit, combined with weight loss drugs and a healthy diet and exercise routine can help reduce obesity.

A study published in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health reveals that taking a cold dip can reduce unhealthy body fat. It can also increase “adiponectin’ levels, a hormone that prevents insulin resistance making it effective in reducing the risk and severity of diabetes.

The study also revealed other benefits of cold plunging including:

  • Increasing immunity
  • Improving circulation
  • Boosting mood
  • Increasing libido
  • Burning calories
  • Improving social skills
  • Reducing pain and inflammation
  • Increasing heart health
  • Lowering stress levels
  • Jump starting metabolism

Getting Started with Cold Plunging

If you feel like cold plunging may be beneficial to your needs, it’s advisable to start off gradually. Some people don’t enjoy it.

Start by taking cold showers. Decrease the water temperature of your daily showers and stay under the cold water for 15 seconds. Continue increasing your time under the water and decreasing the temperature of the water and see how you are feeling.

Dr. Chris Minson, an expert in exercise physiology, heart health, thermoregulation, and women’s health at the University of Oregon and a member of the American Physiological Society warns, “People are often in a better mood and seem to have more energy. Others may hate it and not be happy. But this is a good test to see if you may like cold exposures.

“If a person is generally healthy and somewhat active, it is safe to try this as it is to start an exercise program,” he asserts.

So what do you think of this type of weight-loss technique? Will you be taking the plunge?