Most people think of consuming pot as something you do when you want to chill out and relax. But some fitness experts are making it a part of an effective workout routine.

Stoned and Toned is an online fitness club that offers virtual workouts as well as in-person meetups. Founders Morgan English and her husband Mike explain that cannabis reduces workout-related anxiety and obsessive thoughts. They recommend smoking cannabis before, during, and after workouts.

Morgan explains that cannabis inspired her to work out. She was smoking pot with friends when she realized she had an opportunity to move her body and have fun exercising. She said cannabis made working out less boring.

She also said that cannabis helped her get back to working out after she had her baby. She explained that she felt humbled after pregnancy. But cannabis made her want to go back to her routine and “stay on the mat longer.”

The entrepreneur recommends micro-dosing while exercising. She feels users should take a hit and see how it affects them before deciding to use more weed.

The Science Behind It

So how does cannabis help with workouts? Experts explain that the flower works on the same receptors that are affected when you exercise. Both weed and working out increase endorphins elevating mood. It makes it easier for you to experience a “runner’s high”.

It has also been shown to improve exercise motivation.

A 2019 study conducted by the University of Colorado Boulder found that cannabis users are more likely to exercise than non-cannabis users. While 46.9% of the American population exercises, 82% of marijuana users exercise. However, experts warn that these studies are not definitive, and more research needs to be done.

Cannabis also calms users down before a workout. It relaxes their muscles making them less susceptible to pain and damage.

CBD for Recovery

Cannabis can also be beneficial to workout recovery. The non-psychoactive cannabis product CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce pain and inflammation in the muscles after workouts. It lowers lactic acid accumulation which decreases post-exercise pain.

It also has antimicrobial benefits, so it reduces the risk of perspiration-related skin infections.

How to Use Cannabis While Working Out

  • Micro-dose: Micro-dosing will allow you to determine how much cannabis you need to get the desired effect. It will also keep the cannabis from becoming a distraction.
  • Avoid Additional Substances: Avoid using additional substances like caffeine or alcohol while working out with cannabis. Limiting these substances will ensure you are in the right mind frame for your workout and recuperation.
  • Workout in a Secure Setting: It’s essential that you feel comfortable when working out with cannabis. Avoid going to the gym or other strange environments until know how the drug will affect you.
  • Hydrate: Cannabis has dehydrating effects so it’s important to drink water before, during, and after your workout.

Now that you are familiar with how to combine cannabis and working out, will you be making it a part of your exercise routine?

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