I come from a very unhealthy family, and we were all overweight because our diet consisted of processed, sugary foods. At age nine, the doctors diagnosed me with type 1 diabetes, and I spent most of my life battling health issues because of it. One of the side effects of insulin dependency is sight loss; by age 30, I was almost completely blind. Additionally, at 266lbs moving around and living a normal life was extremely difficult. I hadn’t bothered going on a diet because I used the excuse that my weight gain was due to insulin making me hungry all the time. Since I needed insulin to survive, I believed I had no choice but to keep eating junk food.
But when my doctor told me he was considering putting me forward for a gastric bypass because my weight would kill me if I didn’t lose it soon, I started desperately looking for solutions because I didn’t want surgery. My friend was using Weight Watchers at the time, and she encouraged me to go with her. I didn’t have anything to lose, and I needed to try something, so I went. I didn’t have high hopes because when I think of the word ‘diet,’ I think of a bowl of salad and a glass of water. I love food, and I didn’t want to starve myself.
But what Weight Watchers teaches you is that successful weight loss depends upon portion size and moderation. I had to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet, swap white carbs for whole wheat, and eliminate processed and junk foods. I also started drinking more water and moving more. I can say with honesty that this was a very difficult process. I would get frustrated when I was putting in so much work but not seeing any results. These were the times when I wanted to give up because I just thought, what’s the point? But my husband would remind me that I’ve been overweight my entire life, and losing it would take a while. Additionally, the Weight Watchers community is very supportive.
With perseverance and determination, I have lost over 98lbs. But I’m even more excited that my insulin dependence has gone down from 150 units a day to 55 units. I have given up my mobility scooter and walk two to three miles a day with my dog.
Weight Watchers literally saved my life. My health problems were getting so bad I doubt I would be here today if it weren’t for them. Weight Watchers isn’t a diet; it’s a lifestyle choice. They teach you how to eat healthy and nutritious meals that will give you the energy and motivation required to live a productive life. I don’t miss junk or processed foods at all; in fact, I hate them, they were almost the death of me, and my only regret is that I didn’t take action sooner. No matter how overweight you are or what state your health is in, you can achieve anything you put your mind to.