Diet and exercise are typically the go-tos when it comes to losing weight naturally. But there are other ways to lose weight that are not so obvious. This article will discuss these methods so you can find out how to shed pounds without a lot of effort.

Laugh More

Did you know laughing burns calories? Laughing causes the muscles in the body to contract and expand which increases heart rate and oxygen consumption promoting calorie burn. Studies show laughing for 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn up to 40 calories.

Laughing also lowers cortisol levels in your body which contributes to weight gain.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a well-known stress-relieving technique. It can also burn calories.

Experts state that taking 4-5 deep slow breaths before eating will make the body more likely to burn calories than store them. It helps settle the nervous system keeping the body from going into fight or flight mode that causes it to store calories so it can use them when stressful situations arise. It calms the body keeping it in a calorie-burning mode.

Cold Showers

Cold showers may not be pleasant, but they are effective in aiding weight loss.

The body has two types of fat cells: white fat and brown fat. Brown fat is beneficial because it aids with calorie burn. Cold showers activate brown fat cells that generate heat and maintain the body’s core temperature.

Cold showers also promote thermogenesis, so your body burns more calories throughout the day.

Get More Sleep

Getting more sleep to lose weight may seem counterintuitive, but it’s an effective method.

Sleep improves hormone function. It regulates the stress hormone cortisol, so you don’t eat as much. It also allows your body to go into repair and recovery mode giving you the mental clarity to make wise eating decisions.

Too little sleep also doesn’t allow your body to respond properly to insulin. When your body has trouble processing insulin, it has difficulty processing fats from the bloodstream. It ends up storing them as fat.

Walk After Meals

We all know walking can be conducive to weight loss. But it’s especially helpful if you walk directly after a meal.

When you walk after a meal, you send energy from the food directly into your cells so it can be utilized right away. It doesn’t allow calories to build up and lead to weight gain.

Experts say you don’t have to walk a lot after a meal to experience weight loss effects. Even ten minutes of walking after a meal reduces glucose spikes so the body responds better to digestion and shifts into fat-burning mode.

Pace Around Your Home

Pacing around the house helps you get extra steps in. It keeps body heat high and prevents stiffening in the lower extremities. It also keeps muscle limber if you are planning a workout later in the day.

These hacks make losing weight easier than you might think. Which will you be incorporating into your everyday routines?

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