I had issues with my weight for years, and no matter what I tried, I couldn’t shed the pounds. I went on every fad diet that came out, weight watchers, the cabbage diet, the five bites diet…you name it, I was on it. Despite completing the diets successfully and losing weight, I gained twice as much when I stopped dieting. I quickly learned that I had a bad relationship with food and that my weight fluctuated depending on my emotional state. I would feel motivated to treat my body well when I was in a good place emotionally, and I would abuse it with what I put in it when I wasn’t. 

When I found the problem, I started focusing on the solution, and that was to make healthy food choices daily. I was fully aware that junk food was bad for me because of how they made me feel, and that whole foods were good for me because of how they made me feel. I simply had to make the transition permanent, and that took extreme self-discipline. I was also obsessed with seeing immediate results. Whenever I was on a diet, I had a terrible habit of weighing myself daily. So I had to accept that I wasn’t going to get the body of my dreams overnight, and the most important thing was to heal from the inside first, which would eventually show on the outside. I committed to take one day at a time and not punish myself if I slipped up. 

As a foodie, I knew my success depended upon enjoying the food I made. That led me to search for delicious, wholesome recipes that satisfied me and fuelled my body. A typical day of eating generally consists of the following:

• Breakfast: Pumpkin spice protein pancakes

• Lunch: Chicken and avocado burritos

• Dinner: Spicy Mexican shrimp bowl 

• Snacks: Nuts, yogurt, fruit

If I went out to eat with friends, I would make minor substitutions like ditch the rice for sweet potatoes and a sparkling water mixed with fresh orange juice instead of a soda. It took a good six months before eating clean became the norm for me. What motivated me to keep going was how good I felt. I had tonnes of energy, no brain fog, and less cravings. 

Today, I’m 45lbs lighter, I’m in the best shape of my life physically, mentally, and emotionally, and I didn’t get there by following every diet trend that came out. I became consistent in my efforts to eat healthy foods. I didn’t set a weight loss goal; my goal was to become healthy for life. The reality is that I never in a million years thought I’d be where I am today. I am the founder of Love Sweat Fitness, and I help thousands of men and women worldwide achieve their weight loss goals through healthy eating and nutrition. It’s important to understand that there’s no such thing as overnight success. But with consistency and patience, you’ll get there.

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