I’ve always been big. One of the reasons my weight was out of control was because my parents owned a candy store, and I could basically eat what I wanted. But the stress of my mother being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis made me put on even more weight. I’m a comfort eater, and I’ll eat to make myself feel better when things are not going well. My mom being sick was a terrible time for my family and me. Unfortunately, she died when I was eighteen, and things went from bad to worse. I would spend day and night binging on chocolates and sweets. I lived on a diet of junk food. 

I struggled to buy clothes and could never find my size. I was so big that my workplace had to have my shirts specially made. It was so embarrassing, everyone knew me as the ‘fat bloke,’ I laughed it off, but inside I felt like a monster. I didn’t waste my time dating. I didn’t see the point in making a fool out of myself. I knew no one found me attractive, and I didn’t blame them. 

I was severely depressed because of my weight. At 437lbs, it was hard for me to get around and I would get out of breath just walking up the stairs. My turning point was when I went home for Christmas and had a photo taken with my dad. Not only did I look horrendous, but I was twice his size, and I thought to myself, “I can’t go on like this.” I knew I needed help, so I started looking into weight loss programs and found ‘The Slimming World Group.’ I lost 12 ½ lbs in my first week, which was the beginning of a new life. The program involved still eating the foods I loved but adding healthy extras. This worked for me because I didn’t feel as if I was depriving myself and I felt fantastic, I knew I had a long way to go, but I was so encouraged by the weight I’d lost that I was determined to keep going. 

I started parking my car a mile away from work and walking, and then I started going on walks with friends. I then moved on to Zumba, Aquafit, and then I joined a gym, and the weight kept falling off. It was such an exciting time for me. Everyone kept telling me how great I looked and pushing me to keep going. I don’t think there was ever a day on my weight loss journey where I felt discouraged. I literally felt like Superman. 

I’ve lost a total of 245lbs in just over eighteen months. I currently weigh 231lbs, I aimed to lose half my body weight, and that’s exactly what I did. The Slimming World Group were so impressed with my tenacity that they offered me a job as a consultant. Since working for them, I’ve helped hundreds of people lose weight and reach their weight loss goals. I’ve been so successful in my job because I’ve walked in my client’s shoes. I know exactly what it feels like to go to bed every night wishing you were someone else only to wake up disappointed that you’re the same person. I know what it feels like to cover all the mirrors in your house because you hate what you look like. But I also know what it feels like to become the person you know you were destined to be. I take great pride in helping people achieve their weight loss goals, I’ve found my purpose in life and I couldn’t be happier.

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