Heart health is known to be poorer among minority groups such as seniors, blacks, females, people with depression, disabilities, lower socioeconomic statuses, and those living in rural communities. But increasing physical activity could change all that, according to a statement from the American Heart Association published in the journal Circulation last week.

“Helping everybody improve their heart health is important,” said a news release by Gerald J. Jerome, a professor in the Department of Kinesiology at Towson University in Maryland.

“We know regular physical activity is a key component of optimal heart health. These findings provide an opportunity to focus our efforts on physical activity programs in places where people need them most,” the statement went on to say.

The guidelines for physical activity require adults to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week. Something as simple as a 20-minute daily walk can help them achieve this goal. Yet, fewer than 1 in 4 U.S. adults meet these requirements.

What Can Be Done

The statement goes on to suggest what people can do to help them meet their exercise goals. These activities include seeking community input and engaging leaders to develop strategies that would remove barriers such as cost or a lack of access or time.  It calls for members to design diverse and inclusive programs that encourage participation. It addresses a need for teams and healthcare professional involvement.

“Unfortunately, many groups that have a higher risk of developing heart disease also, on average, report lower amounts of physical activity. There is good news since some programs are focused on collaborating with communities to increase physical activity levels among high-risk groups,” Jerome said.

He also noted that a lot more work needs to be done.

“More research funding is needed to support communities and researchers working together to develop engaging and sustainable ways that help residents increase their physical activity levels. Lawmakers should expand coverage for preventative care and support, such as assessment and programs that promote physical activity in the clinical setting,” he said.

Why Do Racial Disparities Exist in Health Care?

There are many reasons why racial disparities exist in healthcare. They can be linked to social, economic, or environmental disadvantages. They may be due to preventable differences in burden, disease, injury violence, or an opportunity to access quality healthcare due to race or ethnicity.

It is important to address these disparities. Not doing so leads to a higher rate of death and illness across a wide range of health conditions. It also results in excess medical care costs, lost productivity, and economic losses due to premature death.

Today’s population is becoming more diverse. Rather than having a positive effect on healthcare, inequalities continue to grow. Income inequality has also widened further contributing to disparities.

The American Health Association study is a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done. While you can work with leaders on a higher level, you can do your part by getting out and exercising every day. We wish you luck reaching your fitness goals.

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