


Many of us work out. But do you do targeted workouts that are designed to strengthen one part of the body? If so, you may want to decide on which part of the body you should be focusing on.

Experts recommend that women focus on their upper body, core, pelvis, and knees. This article will explain why each of these body parts of so important.

Upper Bodies

Active women often walk around giving their legs and lower body a workout. But they don’t concentrate as much on their upper bodies. When upper bodies are weak, women are more prone to neck and shoulder strain.

The best way to maintain upper body strength it by doing pushups. These include wall pushups and floor pushups. Even carrying groceries can give your upper body a workout.


When we think of the core, we think of the abdomen. But the truth is, the core affects so many regions of the body. A strong core helps the body balance and lowers the risk of back pain.

If you would like to build strength in your core, yoga and Pilates are recommended. The forearm plank move can also be beneficial. This involves lying face down on the floor with your elbows tucked into your sides and raising your body using your forearms and toes.


The pelvic floor muscles are an important target as they play a key role in maintaining bladder, bowel, and bladder function as well as the supporting organs and the spine and legs. Women tend to experience weakness in this area, especially after childbirth. Dysfunction could lead to issues with the bowel and bladder.

There are several exercises that work the pelvic muscles. One involves lying on our back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Then lift your pelvic muscles inward and upward. Hold, release, and repeat.


Knees are vital to stability. They are also prone to strain and injury. Women tend to be more prone to knee injury than men due to their wider hips and their propensity for wearing heels.

Contrary to what most may think, an elliptical does not work out the knees at all. However, you can target them with a leg lift. Lie on your stomach and lift one leg straight out behind you so your thigh is off the floor. Return to the floor and repeat. Then switch legs.

A full body workout is beneficial. But if you are looking to target specific areas of the body, the upper body, core, pelvis, and knees are recommended. Good luck reaching your fitness goals.