


If you are looking for a physical activity alternative to replace dull hours at the gym, gardening may be the ideal solution. According to the US Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, it is one of the top physical activities with the lowest injury rates. It works a variety of muscle groups making it a popular fitness trend.

What Makes Gardening Recommended Exercise?

Gardening works a variety of muscle groups including the arms, legs, shoulders, back, and core. It boosts mobility and increases endurance. It provides similar benefits to walking or Pilates.

Activities like digging, planting, mowing, raking, and weeding can burn as much as 330 calories per hour. Additionally, the activity can improve your mood. It provides social benefits that can combat isolation and depression.

Warm Up Before Gardening

Gardening is a strenuous activity. It’s best to start with a warm-up. A warmup will limber up the muscles reducing the risk of injury.

Experts recommend doing a few stretches before getting started. A short walk can also be beneficial.

If you are new to gardening, start slow. Begin with short sessions. You will gradually build up endurance to work longer and get more accomplished.

You should also cool down for 10-15 minutes after you’re done by snipping flowers or vegetables.

Supercharge Your Gardening Workout

Once you build up endurance, you can begin supercharging your workout. Here are some examples of how you can turn up the intensity.

  • Bring your equipment to the yard one piece at a time to increase your physical activity.
  • Try gradually increasing your pace when you mow or switch to a push mower. Fill two large watering cans and carry them around your yard to get some strength training in.
  • Use the right and left hand equally switching every 5-10 minutes. This strategy will ensure both sides get a good workout.
  • Digging is an ideal high-intensity exercise. Dig deep to engage several muscle groups at once.
  • Switch it up by alternating between activities like raking, mowing, and weeding.
  • Go old school by using manual shears and mowers instead of power tools.
  • Build in strength training by doing mini squats when pulling weeds. You can also take a break to do lunges or work on your triceps.

Other Tips

Gardening should be seen as an exercise like any other. Here are some tips to keep in mind so you can avoid injury:

  • Breathe: Breathing brings oxygen to the muscles to support the exertion of the exercise. Not breathing can cause hernias.
  • Lift with Your Legs: Use your legs when lifting heavy objects to minimize back injury. It’s also wise to twist at the knees and not the waist.
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water so as not to get dehydrated.

It’s alarming how charming it is when you’re a-gardening. In addition to getting some great crops, you will also be reaching your fitness goals. Will you be adding gardening to your fitness routine?

It’s great to work out with your partner. A workout buddy increases accountability. It makes families happier and healthier.

But if the partners are a man and woman, there are biological differences to consider. Therefore, the pair must tailor their workouts accordingly. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Physiological Differences

Men and women have physiological differences that must be considered in the workout plan. Men’s testosterone levels mean they are more likely to gain muscle and lose weight. They also have bigger hearts and lungs making them good at cardiovascular exercise.

Women’s bodies hold more fat which makes it difficult for them to lose weight. However, they also have more elasticity in their muscles. This makes them better at workouts that involve stretching, yoga and Pilates.

Training Differences

The physiological differences in men and women affect how they should be training. Women tend to be more quad-dominant than men. This means that they are more susceptible to valgus knee movements when doing squats and similar exercises.

Women can reduce the risk of injury by strengthening their abductor and glute muscles. Exercises that will help achieve this goal include:

  • Bulgarian split squads
  • Banded clamshell
  • Banded squat
  • One-legged glute bridges

Men are not as flexible as women which can interfere with their ability to do complex movements. They can improve flexibility by spending more time stretching. This will increase range of motion and prevent injury.

Females are more likely to develop slow-twitch muscle fibers during exercise while men are more likely to develop fast-twitch muscle fibers. Fast-twitch fibers develop during explosive exercises like HIIT while slow-twitch fibers develop during aerobic exercises. Fast twitch fibers are thicker and wear out more quickly.

Women who want to develop fast-twitch fibers should focus on exercises like sprints, HIIT, etc.

It’s also important that women consider their smaller size when weight training to avoid injury.

Nutritional Differences

Women’s bodies tend to use fat as energy while men’s bodies consume high levels of carbs combined with protein and fat. Women should focus on eating healthy fats such as fatty fish and nuts before they exercise. They should also get a good amount of protein, calcium, Vitamin K and Vitamin D.

A man’s workout diet should consist of healthy carbs like fruits and vegetables. Start off small so you don’t overdo your carb intake. Men should also consume adequate amounts of fat and protein.

Working out with your partner is a great way to stay in shape. But it’s essential to consider the needs of each gender. You must think of a woman’s smaller frame, and tendency to carry fat as opposed to man’s larger frame and ability to build strength and lose weight when planning out your routines.

How will you be developing a workout that fits the needs of both partners?

In the past, we were told that too much cholesterol was a bad thing. More recently, we have learned that there’s such a thing as good cholesterol. So now it’s all about keeping good cholesterol and bad cholesterol in balance.

But what’s the difference between good and bad cholesterol? And how can you ensure that both are under control? This article will provide you with the information you need.

What’s the Difference Between Good and Bad Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that builds up in the arteries. The two types of cholesterol are high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or ‘good cholesterol’ and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or ‘bad cholesterol’.

HDL is good because it absorbs cholesterol and carries it to the liver removing it from the bloodstream before it can build up in the body. LDL takes cholesterol directly to the arteries. This can cause a plaque buildup that can result in a heart attack or stroke.

Triglycerides are another component found in good and bad cholesterol. They are stored as fat in the blood. They can build up in the bloodstream when you eat more calories than you burn. They also increase the risk of heart conditions.

How to Improve Your Cholesterol Levels

There are several things you can do to lower your triglycerides, reduce your LDL levels, and increase your HDL levels. These include:

Eating a Healthy Diet: Ensure your diet is optimized for the right cholesterol balance by reducing saturated fats, eliminating trans fats, eating foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, increasing soluble fiber, and adding whey protein to your routine.

Engage in Physical Activity: Physical activity is great for increasing HDL levels in the body. You can improve your cholesterol by doing moderate exercise 30 minutes a day five days a week, or by engaging in vigorous physical activity 20 minutes a day three times a week.

Quit Smoking: Quitting smoking dramatically improves your HDL cholesterol levels. Within a year of quitting, your risk of heart disease will be 50% less than that of a smoker.

Drink Alcohol in Moderation: Moderate consumption of alcohol has been linked with higher HDL levels. The benefits aren’t strong enough to recommend alcohol to anyone who doesn’t drink. But if you do drink, it’s best to keep consumption under control.

Lose Weight: Even a few extra pounds can contribute to a high cholesterol level. Getting the right amount of physical activity and following a healthy diet will help to keep your weight regulated.  

See a Doctor Regularly: Everyone should have their cholesterol levels checked regularly, especially if you are at high risk for heart disease. An LDL count of 100 or less is considered normal. HDL counts should be 40 or more for men, 50 or more for females. Your total cholesterol, including HDL, LDL, and triglycerides, should add up to no more than 200.

Cholesterol isn’t all bad. Taking the proper measures will keep LDL and triglycerides low while allowing good cholesterol to do its thing. How will you be promoting a healthy cholesterol balance in your diet?

Are you tired of ho-hum workouts? Are you looking to reach your goals in an innovative way? Then you might want to experiment with some unusual exercise routines. Here are a few that are effective.


The pogo stick is back!

This vintage toy which you jump up and down on can get you burning up to 600 calories an hour. And, since you are not making direct contact with the floor, it’s easier on your joints than running and jumping rope, even though it provides similar results. If you can master the balance aspect, you’ll have tons of fun.

Backwards Running

Backwards running may get some second glances, but it’s a good way to work out. It targets muscles you don’t hit when running forward. It’s also lower impact than regular running and it uses 30% more energy making for a more effective workout.

Desk Workouts

If you sit at your desk all day, you are likely to begin feeling stiff and lethargic. A quick workout will get the blood flowing so you boost productivity and burn calories. Many moves can be done without even leaving your chair.

For example, you can do oblique twists which require rotating back and forth on a swivel chair while holding on to your desk. Seated leg extensions require kicking your legs straight out while in a seated position. Or you can do glute squeezes which involves simply squeezing your glutes and holding and releasing while seated.


This workout originated in Australia and involves mimicking the movement of wild animals. A Zuu exercise routine may include crawling around the floor like a bear, swinging out your arms like a gorilla and other weird and primal movements. It has yet to catch on in America, but if you search the internet, you will find Zuu workouts that will get you burning some serious calories.

Inverted Workouts

Inverted workouts can be done on an inversion table or by simply hooking your feet onto an elevated bar. Once in the upside down position, you can do inverted rotations, sit-ups, crunches and more. They are great for getting the core in shape and they relieve stress on the joints and spine to improve range of motion.

Inverted workouts can be beneficial to fitness, but they are not for everyone. Talk to a doctor before trying an inverted workout if you have any injuries or blood pressure issues.

Surf Workout

A surf workout will get you in shape without having to dip a toe in the water. Certain fitness facilities offer equipment that allows you to mimic the movement of surfers so you can get bikini bod ready. The workout is great for the core and promoting balance.

If you are tired of the same old workout, these unusual routines may be worth trying out. They are fun, effective, and unique. Which will you be experimenting with the next time you branch out with your physical activity regimen?

The pandemic caused many of us to convert areas of our homes into home gyms. Now that mess is over, but a lot of people are still working out at home. After all, it’s cheap and convenient.

If you think a home gym in the right choice for you, all you need to do is get the equipment. One option is to go to a sporting goods store and buy items like weights, a bench, and a treadmill. But did you know you can create your home gym using the items you already have in your home?

Here are some ideas for making a home gym using what you’ve got.

Laundry Detergent and Kettlebells

Kettlebells are all the rage in fitness. You can swing them around (carefully) to work nearly every part of your body.

But if you’d rather forgo the expense and hassle of buying one, a bottle of laundry detergent with a handle will do the trick. Just make sure it’s nice and full.

A Chair as a Bench

When it comes to using a chair for workouts, the possibilities are endless. You can place the chair behind your head and use it to steady yourself during ab workouts. You can sit in the chair and do triceps dips. You can put your feet on the chair to work your thighs…and so much more.

A Backpack as a Weighted Vest

Want to take your exercise routine up a notch? Try doing it with a backpack on your back. Just fill the bag with cans, water bottles, or anything else that adds weight, and work out as usual. You can add more weight every day to keep it challenging.

Soup Cans as Small Weights

Small weights are great for high repetition movements like overhead triceps extensions and curl pulses. If you’d rather not splurge on entire set of small weights, soup cans will do the trick quite nicely.

The Stairs for Cardio

Why get a StairMaster when you can use the stairs? Walking up 400 steps a day has been shown to significantly increase endurance. That’s a lot of stairs… but every bit counts.

If you live in an apartment, you can even use the stairs in your building for your workout. Just be sure to schedule your routine for time of the day when there’s low traffic.

A Rope as a Suspension Trainer

If the weather is nice enough, you can get some outdoor exercise in with a rope and a tree. Get about 8 feet of rope and tie a knot at both ends. Find a tree with a sturdy branch and sling the rope over it. You can use your makeshift equipment to pull off inverted rows, squats, planks, and lunges.

A home gym makes for an inexpensive way to work out. Using the items you have in your home will save you even more money. Which of these household goods will you be using to create a fitness center in your residence?

The question of whether to eat before or after a workout is one that has been hypothesized on by various health experts. If you eat before you work out, you will burn the calories you’ve just eaten which may be beneficial to weight loss. If you eat after a workout, you will help your muscles recover and you will have energy throughout the day.

With both options offering benefits, it’s difficult to decide which is the best choice. This article will look at both sides of the coin so you can make the decision that’s right for you.

The Morning Workout

Many people work out in the morning. It’s a good plan as it gets exercising out of the way. It also boosts energy throughout the day.

The question is, breakfast first, or workout first? If you work out first, you will be exercising on a completely empty stomach. Is it best to get some food in you so you can burn some calories?

One study looked at twenty-seven young men divided into three groups. One group did not exercise, one group ate a high carb breakfast before working out, and the third ate a high carb breakfast after working out.

Both the group that did not work out and the group that ate before working out gained weight. Only the group that ate after working out maintained their weight.

Researchers believe that eating a lot before a workout causes blood to shift into your mid-section for digestion. Therefore, exercising after eating a lot could make you sick.

Other Benefits to Eating After a Workout

Eating after a meal can have other benefits besides optimal weight loss.

Your body stores glucose for energy. During a workout, your muscles lose their glycogen stores, and they need to be replenished.

So, if you have just worked out, and your next meal is more than two hours away, it’s recommended that you eat a snack that contains carbohydrates and proteins.

Benefits to Eating Before a Workout

We’ve reviewed a few arguments in favor of eating after a workout. But can eating before a workout ever be a good thing?

Yes, there are benefits to eating before a workout. If you are hungry, you may not have the energy to perform at your best and get the most out of the physical activity. Food will give you the fuel you need to make it through and hit your fitness goals.

If you choose to eat before a workout, choose the foods and times you eat wisely. It is best to eat 30 to 60 minutes before your workout to give your body some time to digest. You should also eat foods that contain a digestible type of carbohydrate and a small amount of protein for maximum energy.


Eating after exercising has more benefits than eating beforehand, but both have their pros and cons. The important thing is to make wise choices in terms of scheduling your meals and making sure they are healthy. How do you plan your meal and exercise routine?