The question of whether to eat before or after a workout is one that has been hypothesized on by various health experts. If you eat before you work out, you will burn the calories you’ve just eaten which may be beneficial to weight loss. If you eat after a workout, you will help your muscles recover and you will have energy throughout the day.
With both options offering benefits, it’s difficult to decide which is the best choice. This article will look at both sides of the coin so you can make the decision that’s right for you.
The Morning Workout
Many people work out in the morning. It’s a good plan as it gets exercising out of the way. It also boosts energy throughout the day.
The question is, breakfast first, or workout first? If you work out first, you will be exercising on a completely empty stomach. Is it best to get some food in you so you can burn some calories?
One study looked at twenty-seven young men divided into three groups. One group did not exercise, one group ate a high carb breakfast before working out, and the third ate a high carb breakfast after working out.
Both the group that did not work out and the group that ate before working out gained weight. Only the group that ate after working out maintained their weight.
Researchers believe that eating a lot before a workout causes blood to shift into your mid-section for digestion. Therefore, exercising after eating a lot could make you sick.
Other Benefits to Eating After a Workout
Eating after a meal can have other benefits besides optimal weight loss.
Your body stores glucose for energy. During a workout, your muscles lose their glycogen stores, and they need to be replenished.
So, if you have just worked out, and your next meal is more than two hours away, it’s recommended that you eat a snack that contains carbohydrates and proteins.
Benefits to Eating Before a Workout
We’ve reviewed a few arguments in favor of eating after a workout. But can eating before a workout ever be a good thing?
Yes, there are benefits to eating before a workout. If you are hungry, you may not have the energy to perform at your best and get the most out of the physical activity. Food will give you the fuel you need to make it through and hit your fitness goals.
If you choose to eat before a workout, choose the foods and times you eat wisely. It is best to eat 30 to 60 minutes before your workout to give your body some time to digest. You should also eat foods that contain a digestible type of carbohydrate and a small amount of protein for maximum energy.
Eating after exercising has more benefits than eating beforehand, but both have their pros and cons. The important thing is to make wise choices in terms of scheduling your meals and making sure they are healthy. How do you plan your meal and exercise routine?