


We all know fruits have natural sugars. But some, like bananas, grapes, cherries, figs, and apples, have a higher sugar content than others. So, should we be cutting these fruits from our diets? Here’s what you need to know.

Is the Sugar in Fruit Bad?

Experts tell us to eat plenty of fruit. But they also tell us to stay away from sugar. So, if fruit contains sugar, how can that be good?

Well, fruit is high in sugar, but it also contains vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. This makes it different from foods with added sugars that make for empty calories.

Fruit is also high in fiber which means it is digested more slowly. This makes for more stable blood glucose levels.

However, people with diabetes must be careful about how much sugar they consume regardless of the source. So which fruits have the highest sugar content? All will be revealed in the next section.

Fruits and Sugar Content

Apples: 17.1 – 20.8 grams of sugar

Apples are rich in antioxidants that protect against diabetes and cognitive decline.

Bananas: 15.4 grams of sugar

Bananas are a good source of potassium and healthy fats which support cellular and heart health.

Figs: 6.52 – 10.4 grams of sugar

Figs are rich in phenolic compounds and carotenoids which have antioxidant properties.

Grapes: 23.2 grams of sugar

Grapes offer antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.

Mangoes: 22. 5 grams of sugar

Mangoes are a good source of the antioxidants vitamins A, C, and beta-carotene. They are also rich in potassium.

Oranges: 8.98 – 17.2 grams of sugar

Like other citrus fruits, oranges are a good source of vitamin C. They are also plentiful in potassium and calcium.

Pears: 15.7 grams of sugar

Pears are high in fiber which is beneficial to digestion. It also contains antioxidants that lower blood fat and protect against ulcers.

Pomegranates: 38.6 grams of sugar

Pomegranates have been shown to lower blood pressure. They also have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

Sweet Cherries: 19.7 grams of sugar

Cherries are rich in polyphenols and vitamin C which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Watermelon: 9.42 grams of sugar

Watermelon contains polyphenols and other compounds that reduce the risk of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, ulcers, and diabetes.

What Sugars Do I Need to Avoid?

So if the sugar in fruit is mostly okay to consume, which sugars should you be avoiding? You should stay away from foods that contain added sugars such as:

  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Corn sweetener
  • Malt sugar
  • Dextrose
  • Maltose
  • Glucose
  • Fructose
  • Fruit juice concentrate
  • Malt sugar
  • Honey

Added sugars are typically found in items such as candy, pies, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, ice cream, sugary sodas, and beverages.

Now that you know the lowdown of fruit and its sugar content, which will you be adding to your diet?

Sugar is bad for you. Fruit is good for you. But fruit contains sugar. So how can both statements be true?

This article will break it down so you can determine if the sugar in fruit is good or bad.

Are Fruits Loaded with Sugar?

When we talk about harmful sugar, we are typically talking about table sugar and high fructose corn syrups which contain glucose and fructose, usually in equal measure. These ingredients can negatively affect metabolism if consumed excessively.

Fruit also contains fructose. So, is fruit bad for you?

The answer is no. The fructose content in fruit is so low that it will not harm your metabolism. It is safe to eat for most people.

Fruits Take Time to Chew and Digest

Fruits have a high fiber and water content. They give fruit chewing resistance meaning they take time to chew and digest. As a result, the fructose hits your liver slowly causing less of an impact.

In addition, the fiber and water in fruit are good for you. Fiber is beneficial to digestion. It reduces cholesterol, and it helps the body process sugar. It also makes you feel full, so you don’t snack as often.

Water hydrates the system helping maintain body temperature. It lubricates joints and protects the spinal cord. It also aids with excretion.

What About Fruit Juice?

While fresh fruit is good for you, you should be careful when consuming fruit juice and dried fruit. These should be added to the diet in limited quantities if at all.

While juice has the vitamins and antioxidants fruit contains, it does not require chewing. Therefore, it will hit your liver faster causing more of an impact.

Also, be warned. If you are drinking a fruit drink that is not 100% juice, the sugar content will be even higher and more detrimental to health.

If you enjoy fruit drinks, consider making yourself a smoothie with whole fruit, ice, and water. Smoothies are typically good for you but be careful of what else you add to the mix.

Dried fruit is also not a great option because, unlike fresh fruit, it does not have a high water content. And because dried fruit pieces are small, you are likely to consume larger quantities increasing your intake of sugar and calories. However, it is still better than eating no fruit at all.

When to Avoid Fruit

Some people are advised to avoid fruit because they are allergic to it or because it causes digestive issues. You may also want to eliminate it if you follow a low carb or ketogenic diet.

Ketogenic diets aim to reduce carbs, so your body changes the way it processes sugar into energy. Fruits tend to be high in carbs and are not recommended for this type of diet.


Fruit may contain sugar, but its water and fiber content balances any harmful effects. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants making it a beneficial part of any diet. Which kind is your favorite?