
gym etiquette


After a long pandemic, many of us are headed back to the gym. A little rusty on those etiquette rules? This article will give you a quick update to ensure you are not the pariah of the facility!

Get to Class on Time

If you are taking a fitness class, show up on time. Not doing so is considered rude. A late showing will be especially disruptive if you are taking restorative yoga or another type of class that requires a peaceful setting.

Don’t Hog the Machines

It’s imperative that you get your workout in, even if you need to be on your machine for an hour. But don’t sit on a machine and look at your phone or chat without working out. And don’t drape a towel over a machine to claim it and then spend an hour in the bathroom. That’s just plain rude.

Wipe Down Machines After You Use Them

In this age of germ awareness, no one wants to get on a sweaty machine. Not wiping down a machine after you use it is gross. Make sure you bring a towel for this purpose.

Clean Up After Yourself

In addition to wiping down machines, you must also clean up after yourself. That means putting away any weights you have used and getting rid of empty cups and water bottles. If you spill a drink, wipe it up immediately so no one slips.

Give People Personal Space

We all know that gyms can get crowded. But if there are lots of machines available, space it out so you’re not right on top of another member. The same goes for the weight room. Give heavy lifters plenty of room.

And while the gym can be a great place to meet others, do your best not to engage someone in conversation while they are working out. And keep your eyes to yourself when on the machines.

Don’t Give Advice Unless You’re Asked for It

It’s advisable not to give advice to gym-goers. For example, you will never want to tell someone to run faster or lift differently, even if you think they could benefit from your suggestions. And if someone gives you unsolicited advice, just smile politely and move on.

Avoid Making Phone Calls

Phone calls can be disruptive in the gym area. If you need to make or take a phone call in the middle of a workout, move to a public area such as the lobby or locker room.

Be Aware of Headphones

If you plan on listening to music during your trip to the gym, use noise canceling headphones so the sound won’t spill over. If you see someone wearing headphones while at the gym and want to say hello, try getting their attention by waving first. You won’t want to startle them and have them injure themselves on the equipment.

Now that you have some sound gym etiquette advice, you are ready to enjoy a dynamic gym workout. Here’s to creating and enjoying a pleasant environment in the facility.