
mediterranean diet


The Mediterranean diet is known to boost heart health. But a recent study review shows that it can reduce heart disease risk by 24% and early death risk by 23% in women.

The research was compiled by Prof. Sarah Zaman, a member of the Westmead Applied Research Centre at the University of Sydney. She told the press that this study supports previous studies establishing the heart-healthy benefits of the Mediterranean diet. But it highlights the fact that it can be just as beneficial for women as it is for men.

In 2020, heart disease was a driving factor in the deaths of one out of five women. Yet scientists consistently highlight men when conducting cardiovascular health research.

Senior dietitian at the British Heart Foundation Victoria Taylor acknowledges that the Mediterranean diet has been established as beneficial to heart health. But she says it’s encouraging to see it being studied for its effects on women. And the fact that it is producing positive results in both genders is even more promising.

What Did the Review Entail?

The review, which was published in the Heart Journal, analyzed studies on the Mediterranean diet that separated men and women. Women were given points for eating diets rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, seafood, and nuts and cutting back on the consumption of processed foods and red meat. This is the type of meal routine the diet recommends.

It was found that women who followed the diet had a 24% lower risk of heart disease and a 23% lower risk of early death as compared to those who didn’t follow the diet. There was also a decrease in strokes, although the results weren’t statistically significant.

Dr. Roxana Mehran, a cardiologist, and director of cardiovascular research and clinical trials at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, said she was excited to see the data because previous studies on the diet had little to no information on women’s health. She was not involved in the study.

Although the recent review highlighted women’s health, the Mediterranean diet has similar effects on men’s health. Men who stick to a Mediterranean diet have a 22% lower risk of heart disease and a 23% lower risk of early death as compared to those who don’t follow the diet.

Limitations to the Study

Taylor pointed out that the review had limitations. All 16 of the studies considered were observational and therefore, did not show cause and effect. They also mainly used self-reports of food intake which are not reliable because they can be affected by memory.

The authors of the study acknowledge the limitations and understand that more sex-specific research is needed to support their findings.

However, it has been well established that the foods included in the Mediterranean diet are effective in lowering the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other cardiovascular issues. Will you be making the switch?

The Mediterranean Diet is known for being especially beneficial to health. It’s high in nutrients that improve wellness. It is low in calories which promotes weight loss.  

But now experts are recommending a modified Mediterranean diet called the “Green Mediterranean/high polyphenols diet” which is found to be twice as beneficial as the original. Researchers claim it is especially good for heart health as it unstiffens the aorta, a large artery that carries oxygenated blood throughout eh body.

The new diet is particularly rich in polyphenols which are found in a variety of plant-based foods. They exhibit antioxidant activity and offer protection against diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, and certain types of cancer.

What is the New Mediterranean Diet?

The new Mediterranean diet varies from the traditional Mediterranean diet because it features more polyphenols and lower quantities of red and processed meat. It includes a daily intake of 28 grams of walnuts, three or four cups of green tea, and one cup of Wolffia-globosa (mankai) green duckweed shake which is rich in iron, B12, polyphenols, and protein.

Researchers found that the green Mediterranean diet decreased aortic stiffness by 15% as compared to the Mediterranean diet’s 7.3%. The healthy dietary guideline-directed diet yields a 4.8% decrease.

The DIRECT PLUS study which compared the diets was the first to show the green diet’s effects on aortic stiffness. It was a large-scale study conducted over 18 months with over 300 participants. MRIs were used to measure aortic stiffness which is a distinct marker of vascular aging and heart disease.

How Important is a Healthy Diet?

A healthier lifestyle is often recommended for treating obesity and metabolic complications. Intense exercise has been shown to reduce Proximal Aortic Stiffness (PAS) but the effects of weight loss are unclear. The Mediterranean diet is the most trusted dietary intervention for heart disease prevention.

In addition to aiding heart health, the Green Mediterranean diet may also be beneficial to brain health and liver health according to findings of earlier studies.

Polyphenols are reducing agents that work with other reducing agents like vitamin C, vitamin E, and carotenoids to protect the body against oxidative stress which is associated with cancer, heart disease, and inflammation.

While they are generally good for health, animal studies have shown that polyphenols can cause thyroid imbalance, kidney damage, and tumors, and raise the risk of stroke and premature death if taken at very high doses.

The research was led by Prof. Iris Shai of Ben-Gurion University and Beersheba Israel who is also an adjunct professor at the University of Leipzig, Germany. She was accompanied by doctoral student Gal Tsaban, a cardiologist from Soroka-University Medical Center, and colleagues from Harvard and Leipzig Universities.

“The results of our study highlight once again that not all diets provide similar benefits and that the green-Mediterranean diet may promote vascular health,” Tsaban concluded.

If you enjoy traveling, it’s likely you have sampled a wide variety of foods from different cultures. In doing so, you will probably have taken notice of the various flavor profiles these cultures have to offer. You may have also noted that some cultures’ foods are healthier than others.

So which countries can you travel to for the healthiest food selection? Here are some to consider.

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet is known to be one of the world’s healthiest diets. It is rich in vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and olive oil which are low fat and full of nutrients and antioxidants. It promotes eating lean meats such as chicken and fish.

The diet may reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, protect the brain against cognitive decline, and minimize the chance of contracting type 2 diabetes. It has been shown to improve mood. Its high fiber foods are filling so you snack less which is beneficial to weight management.

There is even some evidence that a Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk of cancer.

Japanese Diet

The people of Japan have one of the world’s longest life expectancies due to the country’s healthy diet. It includes semi-vegetarian meals that are low in sugar. Popular staples are vegetables, rice, fish, and soybeans.

The foods in Japanese diets are high in protein and fiber which promotes energy and keeps you full to reduce snacking. Green tea is a popular Japanese beverage which is known for its high antioxidant content.

The Japanese diet is so renowned for its health benefits, there is even a popular diet based on it. The Okinawa Diet is recommended as a low-sugar, low-carb diet is that is rich in low calorie, anti-inflammatory foods.

South Korea

South Koreans favor a diet consisting mainly of rice, fish and kimchi, a fermented vegetable dish. Like all fermented foods, kimchi is rich in probiotics that aid digestive health.

Overall, the South Korean diet is high in non-processed carbs and low in fat. Their food is rich in antibiotics and fiber. It is no wonder why few Koreans are obese.


French foods tend to be rich and creamy. So, what makes a French diet so healthy? It’s the fact that the French eat smaller portions.

 They also set aside time to enjoy eating with friends and family. This is conducive to mindful eating habits that curb overeating.

The French also like to stay active. Their tendency to walk rather than drive and use the stairs instead of the elevator keeps them in great shape.

The Nordic Diet

The Nordic Diet originated in countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. It consists of high protein, high fiber foods. Staples of the diet include berries, whole grains, low-fat dairy, root vegetables and rapeseed oil.

In addition to being beneficial to health, the diet is also kind to the environment making for a win-win meal plan.

Now that you know the countries with the healthiest diets, which will you be adding to your travel bucket list?