


The world of natural health can be pretty confusing. We are all aware that we need nutrients in our diet. But with macro and micronutrients in the picture, it can be difficult to determine which is most beneficial to health.

Well, relax. Every type of nutrient is a good nutrient. Macro and micronutrients should both be included in your diet. It’s just important to get the right balance of each.

This article will explore the difference between micro and macro nutrients so you can make sure you are getting a healthy mix in your diet.

What are Nutrients?

Let’s start by getting a good understanding of what a nutrient is.

A nutrient is a substance that plays a vital role in survival, growth, and reproduction.  It provides us with energy and gives us the ability to perform essential functions. Nutrients are essential to everyday life.

Our body functions are carried out by chemical compounds which are created through chemical reactions. But our bodies don’t have all the compounds it needs to create these reactions. The nutrients in food and water help our bodies produce these compounds so it can carry out everyday functions.

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients are nutrients that are consumed in large quantities. The most important macronutrients are as follows:

  • Protein: Protein is a building block of the body’s tissues, bones, skin, organs, and hair. It helps the brain communicate with the body. It also provides energy and aids with the building of lean muscle.
  • Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. They can be either simple or complex. Simple carbs are easy to break down and provide the body with a quick burst of energy. Complex carbs contain fiber and therefore, take longer to break down, so they provide energy throughout the day.
  • Fats: Fats are another essential building block of the body. They make up some of our hormones. They also improve brain function. There are three types of fats: saturated, unsaturated and trans fats. Unsaturated fats are healthy fats you should be adding to your diet while trans fats should be avoided.
  • Water: Water is important as the blood is primarily composed of water. It also limits the risk of dehydration which can be very dangerous.

What are Micronutrients?

As you can probably guess, micronutrients are much smaller than macronutrients. In fact, they are microscopic. They are also eaten in much smaller quantities than macronutrients. They include:

  • Vitamins: There are 13 essential vitamins, each of which play a different role in the body. Many are antioxidants that help boost immunity. Others help build strong bones and aid with circulation.
  • Minerals: There are various minerals, and each offers its own benefits and characteristics. Some support digestion while others are good for the nervous system, heart health, etc. Minerals can be further broken down into macrominerals and trace minerals. Macrominerals (such as sodium, potassium, and calcium) are needed in large quantities while trace minerals are needed in smaller quantities, but they are still essential.

Now that you know the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients, you can you follow a well-rounded diet. Which nutrients will you be including in your routine to reach your wellness goals?

Milk is an essential part of most people’s diets. It’s a terrific source of calcium. It’s used in a variety of recipes, and without it, cereal would be dry and tasteless.

But when you get to the store, you may have trouble choosing the milk product that’s best for you. With choices including skim, 1%, 2% and whole, it can be difficult to decide which to bring home from the market. While some types of milk have higher fat and calorie content, others are said to be more nutritious.

So which should you choose? This article will break it down for you.

Skim, 1%, 2%, Whole: What’s the Difference?

First, let’s start by getting one thing clear. All types of milk contain 13 essential nutrients. The nutrient counts vary slightly depending on the milk you are drinking. But if you are choosing whole milk because you think it’s more nutritious, you are getting very minor benefits if any at all.

So that leaves us with the fat and calorie breakdowns. These are as follows:

• Whole Milk: 150 calories, 3.25% fat
• 2%: 120 calories, 2% fat
• 1%: 100 calories, 1% fat
• Skim: 80 calories, 0% fat

The Controversial Fortification Process

Many people question the nutritional value of lower fat milks because they are fortified.

Low fat and skim milks are processed to reduce fat content. This causes them to lose some of their nutrition. The nutrients are restored through a fortification process that many find to be controversial due to the techniques and ingredients used.

While the fortification process is questionable, it can result in a product with even more nutrients.

Here is a breakdown of how each type of milk adds up in terms of the nutrients they contain.

• Whole Milk: 8 grams protein, 9% of the daily value of potassium, 27% of the daily value of calcium, 5% of the daily value of vitamin A, 24% of the daily value of vitamin D
• Low-fat Milk: 8 grams protein, 9% of the daily value of potassium, 29% of the daily value of calcium, 9% of the daily value of vitamin A, 29% of the daily value of vitamin D
• Skim Milk: 8 grams protein, 10% of the daily value of potassium, 29% of the daily value of calcium, 10% of the daily value of vitamin A, 25% of the daily value of vitamin D

New Study on Aging

If you are looking for anti-aging effects, you may want to stick to milks with a lower fat content. A 2020 study showed that drinking nonfat or 1% milk accounts for 4.5 years of reduced aging in adults.

Telomeres are nuclear end-caps of human chromosomes that are closely related to aging. They replicate and become shorter as time goes on. The older people get, the shorter their telomeres are.

The study revealed that people who drink high fat milk have shorter telomeres and show greater signs of aging.

So which milk should you drink? With pros and cons in associated with each, it may just come down to a matter of taste. Which will you be including in your diet?

I grew up taking multi-vitamins and continued consuming them into adulthood. Then, one day my mother told me that they served me no benefit and may even be detrimental to my health. This was a surprise.

As a good daughter, I took what she said to heart. But I also needed to do some of my own digging.

So, what’s the verdict? Are multivitamins good or bad? Here’s what I found out.

What Do Multi-Vitamins Contain?

Multi-vitamins contain different nutrients depending on the brand. They may contain vitamins and minerals that assist in enzyme and hormone production.

Some may boost immunity and aid with nerve and organ function. The nutrients may also play a role in vital processes such as reproduction, growth, and maintenance.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, some multi-vitamins also contain fatty acids, herbs, and amino acids.

Multi-Vitamins and Heart Health

The Physicians Health Study researched 14,000 middle aged male doctors who took a daily multi-vitamin for over a decade and found it did not reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in participants nor did it have any effect on mortality.

Another study tracked 1,708 heart attack survivors who took a multivitamin or a placebo for up to 55 months. The rate of heart conditions and heart-related deaths were similar for both groups.

Multi-Vitamins and Cancer

An analysis of research of over 450,000 people showed that multi-vitamins were not effective in lowering the risk of heart disease or cancer.

Other studies have shown that multi-vitamins can lower cancer risk in certain participants. However, a recent 2022 study showed that men (and not women) who consumed a daily multi-vitamin presented a higher cancer risk.

Multi-Vitamins and Mental Health

Some studies have shown that multivitamins can improve memory in older adults. Others show they can improve mood as vitamin deficiencies have been linked to low mood.

However, a 12-year study involving 5,947 men found that multivitamins did not reduce the risk of mental decline. Another study showed that they had no effect on mood.

Can Multivitamins Be Bad for You?

Multivitamins are generally safe, but they can cause unwanted side effects. For example, vitamin A and D toxicity can occur. It’s also possible that you can experience conditions if excess amounts of a vitamin are consumed.

You should also avoid fat-soluble vitamins as the fat is hard to flush out of your body and may accumulate in your liver.

The Final Verdict

With a lot of conflicting information on the consumption of multivitamins, you may be wondering, what’s the bottom line?

First, it’s worth noting that your doctor may prescribe certain supplements for certain conditions. For example, calcium may be recommended if you are at risk for bone loss. Iron may be prescribed if anemia is an issue. And folic acid is always recommended during pregnancy.

However, with multivitamins being a $12 billion a year industry, you may be better off spending your money on some nutrient-packed foods. Items like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains have been shown to be more beneficial than supplements.

After reading this article, will you be changing your supplemental choices?