
protein shakes


Protein gives you the energy you need to get through a workout. It also helps your muscles repair themselves after a workout. So should you be drinking your protein shake before or after your workout? Read on to find out.

When Should I Drink My Protein Shake?

Whether you drink your protein shake before or after a workout depends on your needs, goals, and lifestyle. It is best to drink protein before and after a workout if you’re doing high intensity exercises such as long distance running or HIIT. In these cases, you should be taking your shake 30 to 45 minutes before and after to ensure you have the energy you need to get through the activity and to recover quickly.

If you’re doing less strenuous workouts like walking, yoga, and body weight training, you don’t need to take protein before or after your workout. It’s more about getting an adequate amount of protein throughout the day.

Generally, post workout and pre-workout protein will have similar effects which is to say, it will increase muscle size, boost strength, and improve overall body composition. However, your timing will also result in specific benefits as follows:

Benefits of Drinking Protein Before a Workout

  • Fuels Your Workout: Protein will give you the energy you need to make it through a workout and perform your best.
  • Minimizes Muscle Breakdown: When you work out, your muscle fibers break down. Protein contains amino acids that help build muscle fibers and reduce muscle breakdown.
  • Aids with Satiation: If you haven’t eaten before your workout, and don’t have time for a meal, a protein shake is a good way to get the nutrients you need quickly and easily.
  • Boosts Muscle Adaption: Protein primes your muscles to get ready for your training and supports muscle endurance throughout the workout.

Benefits of Drinking Protein After a Workout

  • Repairs Muscle Breakdown: Protein will minimize muscle breakdown whether it’s consumed before or after a workout.
  • Builds Lean Muscle: Protein contains essential amino acids that are the building blocks of muscle. You can optimize the impact of the amino acids if you consume protein within 30 minutes after your workout, but don’t worry if you’re a little late.
  • Boosts Energy: You may feel depleted after your workout. Protein will give you the energy you need to make it through the rest of our day.
  • Won’t Promote Nausea: If you feel a bit nauseous after your workout, a protein shake will give you the energy you need without taxing your digestive system.
  • Reduces Inflammation: Working out can cause microscopic tears in muscle fibers. Your body reacts to these tears by increasing inflammation that can cause muscle soreness. Protein minimizes the break down and the inflammation that comes with it.

Protein and workouts go together like peanut butter and jelly. Your decision on whether to consume a protein shake before or after a workout depends on your fitness goals, but both have similar benefits. Which side of the coin do you weigh in on?