


Many people run to stay in shape. Some may even incorporate long-distance running into their routines. But a recent study shows that marathon running may do more harm than good.

People that run long distances may experience exhaustion. They may damage their muscles leading to long-term pain and injuries. There is also limited knowledge on how marathon running can affect different muscles in the feet.

The Study

The study was led by Professor Mako Fukano from the Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT). He and his team of researchers looked at how marathon participation affects different foot muscles. The results were published online in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports on April 27, 2023.

Researchers looked at 22 college track and field club members who ran 2-3 times a week and had registered for the Mt. Fuji International Marathon in 2019 or 2021. They used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure the transverse relaxation time (T2) of the intrinsic foot muscles, which stabilize the arch of the foot, and the extrinsic foot muscles which are in the lower leg where the foot connects to the ankle.

T2 measures muscle damage. The measurement was taken before the marathon and 1, 3, and 8 days after completing the marathon for the following muscles:

Intrinsic muscles:

  • Abductor hallucis (ABH)
  • Flexor Digitorum Brevis (FDB)
  • Quadratus Plantae (QP)

Extrinsic muscles:

  • Flexor Digitorum Longus (FDL)
  • Tibalis posterior (TP)
  • Flexor Hallucis Longus (FHL)

The team also measured the height of the longitudinal foot arch to determine changes.

Researchers noted significant changes in the QP, FDL, TP, and FHL one day after the marathon which continued to fluctuate over the next days. However, there were no significant changes in the ABH and FDB muscles. They also found a decrease in the longitudinal foot arch directly related to the changes in the FDL and FHL.

What Does it Mean?

The research shows that different foot muscles are affected differently during long-distance running. It also finds that all three extrinsic foot muscles showed signs of damage as compared to just one intrinsic foot muscle. It reveals that outer foot muscles are more prone to running-related damage than inner foot muscles.

Professor Fukano explains that the pressure put on the ankle joint during long-distance running is contributing to the damage, an outcome consistent with other study findings. The QP is the only inner muscle to experience damage which is likely due to its connection with the outer foot muscles FDL and FHL. The relationship between FDL and FHL damage and the reduced longitudinal foot arch suggests that the damage to these muscles could contribute to a decrease in foot arch height.

Fukano states that the study’s results could be useful to runners and sports professionals. It can help them plan effective strategies for recovery that reduce fatigue and damage. It can prevent injuries and improve fitness in runners.

Have you ever seen someone running barefoot? If so, you probably thought they were crazy. But if you are familiar with health trends, it’s likely that you have heard of benefits associated with running barefoot.

So, what’s the downlow? Is running barefoot good or bad? Here’s what you need to know.

Is Running Barefoot Good for You?

Running is among the exercises most commonly associated with repetitive stress injuries. There are those that believe these injuries could be occurring because running shoes put your feet at an unnatural angle. Running barefoot is said to put your foot in a more natural position reducing the risk of RSIs.

Barefoot strides are shorter and more compact, so you touch down on the earth directly below your torso. This better aligns your body with the earth’s center of gravity. It causes your knee to bend more putting less pressure on your joints.

Running barefoot is said to result in the following benefits:

Helps Flat Feet: If you are wearing supportive shoes, you’re not allowing the muscles in your feet to get stronger. Running barefoot may tighten and strengthen foot muscles helping to stabilize a flat arch.

Reduces the Risk of Plantar Fasciitis: Plantar fasciitis occurs when the tissue along the bottom of the foot become inflamed. Sloppy running form can strain your plantar fascia. Running barefoot improves running technique minimizing the risk of this injury occurring.

Burns More Calories: When you run barefoot, you don’t have the bounce of a springy sole to propel you forward. This makes running more challenging, so you burn more calories.

Disadvantages of Running Barefoot

Running barefoot has one major disadvantage that’s likely to be clear to anyone who is thinking of trying it. It leaves your feet vulnerable to cuts punctures, woods, infections, and foot fractures. It’s also not exactly pleasant running on hot, cold, or bumpy pavement.

What About Barefoot Running Shoes?

There are shoes that were designed to simulate the experience of running barefoot while offering your feet protection. However, they do not offer your feet as much protection as traditional running shoes. Furthermore, some of the companies that manufacture barefoot running shoes were accused of making false health claims about their products.

Should I Run Barefoot?

The consensus is, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If you’re not having problems running in your running shoes, don’t try running barefoot.

It’s also worth noting that running barefoot has never been proven to provide benefits. More research is needed to determine if this is the case.

If you do run barefoot, do so in areas that limit your risk of injury. Opt for beaches, grassy stretches, and clean indoor areas.

Running barefoot is said have its share of benefits, but it’s not right for everyone. You should only try it if you are experiencing problems running in sneakers. Or you could just choose another exercise.

Do you think running barefoot is right for you?

Are you tired of ho-hum workouts? Are you looking to reach your goals in an innovative way? Then you might want to experiment with some unusual exercise routines. Here are a few that are effective.


The pogo stick is back!

This vintage toy which you jump up and down on can get you burning up to 600 calories an hour. And, since you are not making direct contact with the floor, it’s easier on your joints than running and jumping rope, even though it provides similar results. If you can master the balance aspect, you’ll have tons of fun.

Backwards Running

Backwards running may get some second glances, but it’s a good way to work out. It targets muscles you don’t hit when running forward. It’s also lower impact than regular running and it uses 30% more energy making for a more effective workout.

Desk Workouts

If you sit at your desk all day, you are likely to begin feeling stiff and lethargic. A quick workout will get the blood flowing so you boost productivity and burn calories. Many moves can be done without even leaving your chair.

For example, you can do oblique twists which require rotating back and forth on a swivel chair while holding on to your desk. Seated leg extensions require kicking your legs straight out while in a seated position. Or you can do glute squeezes which involves simply squeezing your glutes and holding and releasing while seated.


This workout originated in Australia and involves mimicking the movement of wild animals. A Zuu exercise routine may include crawling around the floor like a bear, swinging out your arms like a gorilla and other weird and primal movements. It has yet to catch on in America, but if you search the internet, you will find Zuu workouts that will get you burning some serious calories.

Inverted Workouts

Inverted workouts can be done on an inversion table or by simply hooking your feet onto an elevated bar. Once in the upside down position, you can do inverted rotations, sit-ups, crunches and more. They are great for getting the core in shape and they relieve stress on the joints and spine to improve range of motion.

Inverted workouts can be beneficial to fitness, but they are not for everyone. Talk to a doctor before trying an inverted workout if you have any injuries or blood pressure issues.

Surf Workout

A surf workout will get you in shape without having to dip a toe in the water. Certain fitness facilities offer equipment that allows you to mimic the movement of surfers so you can get bikini bod ready. The workout is great for the core and promoting balance.

If you are tired of the same old workout, these unusual routines may be worth trying out. They are fun, effective, and unique. Which will you be experimenting with the next time you branch out with your physical activity regimen?