


If you are prone to urinary tract infections, friends and relatives may advise you to drink cranberry juice. But can cranberry juice be beneficial to UTIs? Or is this just an old wives’ tale?

A new study confirms cranberry juice’s effects.

The Study

The study, which was led by Gabrielle Williams at the Centre of Kidney Research in Westmead, Australia, reviewed 50 randomized controlled trials and revealed the following:

  • Drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry supplements reduce the risk of having repeat UTI symptoms by more than 25%.
  • Cranberry products reduce UTIs in children by more than 50%.
  • People that were susceptible to a repeat UTI due to antibiotic and probiotic treatments saw a 53% infection decrease.

The review looked at research collected from nearly 9000 people across the world.

“For the first time, we have consensus that cranberry products (concentrated liquid, capsules, or tablets) work for some groups of people, specifically people who experience recurrent UTI, children, and people susceptible to UTI because of medical intervention,” said study author Jacqueline Stevens, senior lecturer in public health in the College of Medicine & Public Health at Finders University in Australia.

“The inclusion of the totality of global evidence and the rigorous review process means we are confident of the results, even when the results have changed compared to previous versions of this review,” she went on to say.

Cranberries are rich in proanthocyanins, chemical compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder.

The study did not specify the recommended dosage of cranberries to take to prevent UTIs.

Are Cranberries Good for Everyone?

While cranberry was found to be effective in relieving UTIs among many groups, it has not been helpful for institutionalized men and women, pregnant women, and people with incomplete bladder emptying and neuromuscular bladder dysfunction. And it may not work for everyone.

Dr. Johanna Figueroa, a urologist at Northwell Health in Syosset, NY says you can use cranberries if “you feel like it’s preventing and working. If it doesn’t work, it’s time for providers to move on to another line of therapy.”

She recommends hydration as water can flush the bacteria out of your symptoms.

Cranberries can also cause an upset stomach.

The subject is near and dear to Williams whose mother suffers from “horrible and frequent” UTIs.

“She’s continued to take it daily, first as the nasty sour juice, and in recent years, the easy-to-swallow capsule. As soon as she stops, wham, the symptoms are back,” Williams explained.

About UTIs

About 60% of women 18 years or over will experience at least one UTI in their lifetime. 30% will have recurring episodes averaging 2-3 a year. They are most common in women due to their anatomy.

The infection occurs when bacteria, typically from the skin or rectum, enter the urethra. It causes pain and frequent urination among other symptoms.

Infections can also move to the kidneys causing additional complications. In some instances, it may lead to sepsis.