


It’s great to work out with your partner. A workout buddy increases accountability. It makes families happier and healthier.

But if the partners are a man and woman, there are biological differences to consider. Therefore, the pair must tailor their workouts accordingly. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Physiological Differences

Men and women have physiological differences that must be considered in the workout plan. Men’s testosterone levels mean they are more likely to gain muscle and lose weight. They also have bigger hearts and lungs making them good at cardiovascular exercise.

Women’s bodies hold more fat which makes it difficult for them to lose weight. However, they also have more elasticity in their muscles. This makes them better at workouts that involve stretching, yoga and Pilates.

Training Differences

The physiological differences in men and women affect how they should be training. Women tend to be more quad-dominant than men. This means that they are more susceptible to valgus knee movements when doing squats and similar exercises.

Women can reduce the risk of injury by strengthening their abductor and glute muscles. Exercises that will help achieve this goal include:

  • Bulgarian split squads
  • Banded clamshell
  • Banded squat
  • One-legged glute bridges

Men are not as flexible as women which can interfere with their ability to do complex movements. They can improve flexibility by spending more time stretching. This will increase range of motion and prevent injury.

Females are more likely to develop slow-twitch muscle fibers during exercise while men are more likely to develop fast-twitch muscle fibers. Fast-twitch fibers develop during explosive exercises like HIIT while slow-twitch fibers develop during aerobic exercises. Fast twitch fibers are thicker and wear out more quickly.

Women who want to develop fast-twitch fibers should focus on exercises like sprints, HIIT, etc.

It’s also important that women consider their smaller size when weight training to avoid injury.

Nutritional Differences

Women’s bodies tend to use fat as energy while men’s bodies consume high levels of carbs combined with protein and fat. Women should focus on eating healthy fats such as fatty fish and nuts before they exercise. They should also get a good amount of protein, calcium, Vitamin K and Vitamin D.

A man’s workout diet should consist of healthy carbs like fruits and vegetables. Start off small so you don’t overdo your carb intake. Men should also consume adequate amounts of fat and protein.

Working out with your partner is a great way to stay in shape. But it’s essential to consider the needs of each gender. You must think of a woman’s smaller frame, and tendency to carry fat as opposed to man’s larger frame and ability to build strength and lose weight when planning out your routines.

How will you be developing a workout that fits the needs of both partners?