
workout stacking


Workout stacking is set to be the new fitness trend. It involves combining shorter workouts to create a more personalized experience. It can also improve endurance, strengthen different muscle groups, and boost recovery.

If you have never stacked your workouts, you may be unsure of what’s involved. This article will tell you all you need to know.

What are the Benefits of Workout Stacking?

Workout stacking provides the following benefits:

  • Improves Endurance: We are all familiar with the benefits of HIIT in improving endurance. Workout stacking has a similar effect as it involves short, intense workouts. This makes for increased endurance and calorie burn.  
  • Targets Various Muscle Groups: If you are working out just a few days a week, you may not get around to all muscle groups. Incorporating various workouts ensures each muscle group is targeted.
  • Reduces Boredom: When you stack workouts you can switch things up, so you keep challenging yourself and you don’t get bored.

How to Plan a Workout Stacking Routine

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to creating a workout stacking routine. However, you should plan it so it works out different areas. Keep in mind that there are certain muscle groups you should work out together. These include:

  • Chest, arms, and shoulders
  • Legs, back, and abdominals

You can also keep things exciting by combining strength, flexibility, and cardio exercises in one workout.

Workout Stacking Examples

Here are some workout stacking examples that you may want to try:

  • 30 Minute Flow Yoga and 15 Minute HIIT Core: The yoga will aid with flexibility and balance while the ab work offers a strength training boost.
  • 40 Minute Strength & Conditioning and 15 Minute Stretch & Recovery: After an intense strength and conditioning workout, stretch and recovery will be just what your body needs.
  • 15 Minute Barre: Lower Body and 30 Minutes HIIT and 15 Minute Stretch: This offers a combination of strength training, cardio and cool down making for a well-rounded workout.
  • 15 Minute HIIT Core and 30 Minutes Cardio Boxing and 10 Minutes Stretch & Recovery: The HIIT will work out your core before you start on cardio. Stretch and recover to ensure your body is in good shape to get past aches and pains.
  • 30 Minute HIIT and 30 Minutes Stretch & Recover: This combo should be included in your workout routine at least once a week to increase flexibility and performance.

If you are looking to change things up with your workout in the new year, workout stacking may be the ideal option. It lets you try a little of everything to achieve maximum fitness. What combo will you be including in your routine?