


Are you tired of ho-hum workouts? Are you looking to reach your goals in an innovative way? Then you might want to experiment with some unusual exercise routines. Here are a few that are effective.


The pogo stick is back!

This vintage toy which you jump up and down on can get you burning up to 600 calories an hour. And, since you are not making direct contact with the floor, it’s easier on your joints than running and jumping rope, even though it provides similar results. If you can master the balance aspect, you’ll have tons of fun.

Backwards Running

Backwards running may get some second glances, but it’s a good way to work out. It targets muscles you don’t hit when running forward. It’s also lower impact than regular running and it uses 30% more energy making for a more effective workout.

Desk Workouts

If you sit at your desk all day, you are likely to begin feeling stiff and lethargic. A quick workout will get the blood flowing so you boost productivity and burn calories. Many moves can be done without even leaving your chair.

For example, you can do oblique twists which require rotating back and forth on a swivel chair while holding on to your desk. Seated leg extensions require kicking your legs straight out while in a seated position. Or you can do glute squeezes which involves simply squeezing your glutes and holding and releasing while seated.


This workout originated in Australia and involves mimicking the movement of wild animals. A Zuu exercise routine may include crawling around the floor like a bear, swinging out your arms like a gorilla and other weird and primal movements. It has yet to catch on in America, but if you search the internet, you will find Zuu workouts that will get you burning some serious calories.

Inverted Workouts

Inverted workouts can be done on an inversion table or by simply hooking your feet onto an elevated bar. Once in the upside down position, you can do inverted rotations, sit-ups, crunches and more. They are great for getting the core in shape and they relieve stress on the joints and spine to improve range of motion.

Inverted workouts can be beneficial to fitness, but they are not for everyone. Talk to a doctor before trying an inverted workout if you have any injuries or blood pressure issues.

Surf Workout

A surf workout will get you in shape without having to dip a toe in the water. Certain fitness facilities offer equipment that allows you to mimic the movement of surfers so you can get bikini bod ready. The workout is great for the core and promoting balance.

If you are tired of the same old workout, these unusual routines may be worth trying out. They are fun, effective, and unique. Which will you be experimenting with the next time you branch out with your physical activity regimen?